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... 17. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12911-016-0252-0 Holzinger, A. (Ed.). (2016). Machine learning for ... Computing. In A. Holzinger (Ed.), MACHINE LEARNING FOR HEALTH ...
abas_conceptual under Clinical Data/Neurobehavioral Assessment/Adaptive Behavior Assessment System (ABAS-3) in PATS variables
Domain from the Adaptive Behavior Assessment System, 3rd Ed. (ABAS-3). The ABAS-3 is a rating scale useful for assessing skills of daily living in individuals with developmental delays, autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, learning disabilities, neuropsychological disorders, and sensory or physical impairments. The Conceptual domain standard score summarizes performance across the Communication, Functional Academics, and Self-Direction skill areas. Standard score range (higher is better): 1) Extremely low: <=70; 2) Low: 71 to 79; 3) Below average: 80 to 89; 4) Average: 90 to 109; 5) Above average: 110 to 119; 6) High: >=120. Harrison P, Oakland T. Manual for the Adaptive Behavior Assessment System, 3rd Edition. San Antonio Harcourt Assessment, Inc.Search for all ABAS variables within this dataset
abas_general_adaptive_composite under Clinical Data/Neurobehavioral Assessment/Adaptive Behavior Assessment System (ABAS-3) in PATS variables
Summary score for the Adaptive Behavior Assessment System, 3rd Ed. (ABAS-3). The ABAS-3 is a rating scale useful for assessing skills of daily living in individuals with developmental delays, autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, learning disabilities, neuropsychological disorders, and sensory or physical impairments. The General Adaptive Composite (GAC) summarizes performance across all adaptive skill areas excluding Work. Standard score range (higher is better): 1) Extremely low: <=70; 2) Low: 71 to 79; 3) Below average: 80 to 89; 4) Average: 90 to 109; 5) Above average: 110 to 119; 6) High: >=120. Harrison P, Oakland T. Manual for the Adaptive Behavior Assessment System, 3rd Edition. San Antonio Harcourt Assessment, Inc.Search for all ABAS variables within this dataset
abas_practical under Clinical Data/Neurobehavioral Assessment/Adaptive Behavior Assessment System (ABAS-3) in PATS variables
Domain from the Adaptive Behavior Assessment System, 3rd Ed. (ABAS-3). The ABAS-3 is a rating scale useful for assessing skills of daily living in individuals with developmental delays, autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, learning disabilities, neuropsychological disorders, and sensory or physical impairments. The Practical domain standard score summarizes performance across the Community Use, School Living, Health and Safety, and Self-Care skill areas. Standard score range (higher is better): 1) Extremely low: <=70; 2) Low: 71 to 79; 3) Below average: 80 to 89; 4) Average: 90 to 109; 5) Above average: 110 to 119; 6) High: >=120. Harrison P, Oakland T. Manual for the Adaptive Behavior Assessment System, 3rd Edition. San Antonio Harcourt Assessment, Inc.Search for all ABAS variables within this dataset
abas_social under Clinical Data/Neurobehavioral Assessment/Adaptive Behavior Assessment System (ABAS-3) in PATS variables
Domain from the Adaptive Behavior Assessment System, 3rd Ed. (ABAS-3). The ABAS-3 is a rating scale useful for assessing skills of daily living in individuals with developmental delays, autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, learning disabilities, neuropsychological disorders, and sensory or physical impairments. The Social domain standard score summarizes performance across the Leisure and Social skill areas. Standard score range (higher is better): 1) Extremely low: <=70; 2) Low: 71 to 79; 3) Below average: 80 to 89; 4) Average: 90 to 109; 5) Above average: 110 to 119; 6) High: >=120. Harrison P, Oakland T. Manual for the Adaptive Behavior Assessment System, 3rd Edition. San Antonio Harcourt Assessment, Inc.Search for all ABAS variables within this dataset
ess_lying_down_to_rest under Sleep Questionnaires/Hypersomnia/Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) in PATS variables
ess_riding_in_a_car under Sleep Questionnaires/Hypersomnia/Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) in PATS variables
ess_score under Sleep Questionnaires/Hypersomnia/Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) in PATS variables
ess_sitting_and_talking under Sleep Questionnaires/Hypersomnia/Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) in PATS variables
ess_sitting_classroom_morning under Sleep Questionnaires/Hypersomnia/Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) in PATS variables
ess_sitting_eating_a_meal under Sleep Questionnaires/Hypersomnia/Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) in PATS variables
ess_sitting_quietly_after_lunch under Sleep Questionnaires/Hypersomnia/Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) in PATS variables
ess_sitting_reading under Sleep Questionnaires/Hypersomnia/Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) in PATS variables
ess_watching_tv under Sleep Questionnaires/Hypersomnia/Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) in PATS variables
Sleep Heart Health Study
... Practice of Sleep Medicine ed. by M.H. Kryger, T.Roth ...
Posted by szhivotovsky on October 5, 2023 in Guest Blogger
Overview: Textbook depictions of aging suggest a linear, almost deterministic, ...
Reply by edwardgrandi on October 21, 2014 on Forum
... try. All the best, Ed P.S. I will reach ...
Reply by shaunpurcell on June 26, 2023 on Forum
Hi -- I wasn't involved w/ the SHHS data collection, ...
pdei1 under Medical History/Medications/SHHS1 in SHHS variables
Participant taking PHOSPHODIESTERASE INHIBITORS within two weeks of the Sleep Heart Health Study Visit One (SHHS1) visit. All medications were recorded during the interview, and medication information was later categorized by physician review.
pdei2 under Medical History/Medications/SHHS2 in SHHS variables
Participant taking PHOSPHODIESTERASE INHIBITORS within two weeks of the Sleep Heart Health Study Visit Two (SHHS2) visit. All medications were recorded during the interview, and medication information was later categorized by physician review.