Related Variables

hypert_awareness Awareness of Hypertension - NHANES

This variable is defined by the self-report of doctor's diagnosis of hypertension for those who were defined as having hypertension using the NHANES definition only.

Clinical Characteristics
hypert_control Control of Hypertension - NHANES

This variable is defined for participants whose blood pressure are below the cutoff of 140/90 (both systolic and diastolic must be less than the cutoff values) for those who were defined as having hypertension using the NHANES definition only and also indicated whether or not they were receiving treatment for hypertension.

Clinical Characteristics
hypertension2 Hypertension using NHANES definition

Hypertension is defined here using the following NHANES definition: if the systolic or diastolic blood pressure is greater than or equal to 140/90 or if the participant self-reported as currently taking antihypertensive medications.

Clinical Characteristics
hypertension_c4 4-level grouped hypertension (none/pre/treated/untreated)

This variable classifies participants into 4 categories based on hypertension and hypertensive.

Clinical Characteristics
hypertension_sueno Hypertension at the Sueno visit as derived from the SOL diagnosis and Sueno hypertension variables

Hypertension is defined here if the systolic or diastolic blood pressure is greater than or equal to 140/90 or if the participant is currently taking antihypertensive medications.

Clinical Characteristics
hypert_treatment Treatment of Hypertension - NHANES

This variable is defined by the participant's self-report awareness of hypertension and self-report use of antihypertensive medications for those who were defined as having hypertension using the NHANES definition only.

Clinical Characteristics
mhea1 HBP/Hypertension - Self (MHEA1) Medical History
mhea1b HBP/Hypertension - Mother (MHEA1B) Medical History
mhea1c HBP/Hypertension - Father (MHEA1C) Medical History
mhea1d HBP/Hypertension - Sibling (MHEA1D) Medical History