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CVD variable

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ZSROUSSI +0 points · almost 5 years ago

Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to have more precision on the definition of the variable "any_cvd". Its description is "Any Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Since Baseline?" I first thought that it was 1-valued when the individual had either at least one cardiovascular disease (stroke, hypertension, chd, chf, af and mi) since baseline. However, I have the example of individuals having none of these cardiovascular diseases and any_cvd is equal to 1, or having all of these diseases and any_cvd is equal to 1. Could you please help me understand better the exact definition of this variable? I look forward to your feedback, Thank you very much. Zacharie.

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mrueschman +0 points · almost 5 years ago

I'm not sure stroke or hypertension included in the CVD Outcomes definition. From the CVD Outcomes Protocol:

It should align with the component variables (e.g. MI, PTCA, CABG, etc.), though I cannot guarantee 100% agreement. This work was done by the SHHS Coordinating Center before finalizing the datasets for BioLINCC and NSRR.

One option might be to create your own "new" sort of "any CVD" variable.

Thanks for checking out the site.

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ZSROUSSI +0 points · almost 5 years ago

Thank you very much for your quick answer, This helps me to better understand the nature of this variable, Zacharie