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SHHS XML Annotations

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woranatwongdhamma +0 points · about 10 years ago

I just recently got a permission to access to SHHS database.

After downloading and browsing the database, I still could not get to what I expect to see so that I would like to ask a question regarding to this database as followed:

The data that I am mainly interested is: polysomnography data and the sleep apnea related annotations (ie., respiratory event annotations, hypopnea, obstructive apnea, central apnea). The polysomnography data is obviously the edf file. However, for the annotation file(s), I could only find the sleep stage annotation. Could you please clarify whether there is anyway I can access to all other annotations ? It seems that there should be another xml annotation file cooperating with the edf file but I could not find it anywhere in the database. Thank you so much.

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mrueschman +0 points · about 10 years ago

Thanks for your question and for joining sleepdata.org.

We do have another set of XML annotation files for the SHHS sleep studies. These files contain the respiratory events of interest with timestamps and durations, as you would expect. We have been holding off on posting these because of some issues we were trying to resolve with missing oxygen desaturation events (that should have been present in the files). I will raise the topic at our next group meeting on Tuesday (06/17) and make a clear plan of action. My desired goal would be to post the XML files we do have within the next 1-2 weeks, with any problems noted within our dataset documentation.

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woranatwongdhamma +0 points · about 10 years ago

Thank you so much for your prompt reply. It is good to hear that I did not miss anything before shooting you a question. I do appreciate your and your group's effort on this. Thank you.

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mrueschman +0 points · about 10 years ago

Good news -- I have the go-ahead to make the full SHHS XML annotation files available on sleepdata.org. My target will be to have them up by the end of next week (06/27). I will update you again when that happens.

Edit: The SHHS XML annotations are now available here: https://sleepdata.org/datasets/shhs/files/