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Lights out/on - SHHS Visit 1

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diegomazzotti1 +0 points · over 6 years ago

Dear all, thank you for the great resource!

I have a question about deriving the appropriate time stamp for lights out and on for SHHS visit 1.

According to the definition of the variable "stloutp" (Lights out time), "(...) values are in number of epochs from start of recording(...)". Does that mean the if I extract the start time stamp from the EDF or annotation files, and add 30*stloutp seconds to the time stamp, I can get an accurate time stamp for the lights out time, i.e.:

lights_out = timestamp.start + (30*stloutp)

Similarly, if I sum the variable time_bed to the previously calculated lights_out, we should get the lights on time stamp, i.e.:

lights_on = lights_out + time_bed

Could you confirm that these calculations can inform accurately the lights out/on times?

I appreciate your help!



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mrueschman +0 points · over 6 years ago


Thanks for checking out the resource. The approach you have outlined looks correct to me.


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diegomazzotti1 +0 points · over 6 years ago

Great, thanks!