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nsrr xml annotations in numom2b

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shirelattia123456 +0 points · almost 1 year ago

Hi, I would like to know why there is no nsrr annotations for numom2b dataset . where can i find the difference btw the profusion and the nsrr annotations? Thank you, Shirel

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mrueschman +0 points · 12 months ago

We stopped creating the "NSRR XML" files a few years ago. These type of annotation files were specifically created for some EDF-related tools that are now defunct, e.g., https://github.com/nsrr/edf-editor-translator

The Profusion and NSRR XML files contain the same information; the NSRR XML were derived from the Profusion XML. The NSRR XML formats and names things differently, particularly in regards to the sleep staging information.

Moving forward, we intend to use the .annot format as we've done in APPLES. Over time we will add these sort of .annot files to existing datasets like nuMoM2b.

Thanks for using the site!

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shirelattia123456 +0 points · 12 months ago

Hi thank you for your answer , i managed just a question : is it normal that there is no REM stage at all in the sleep stages from numom2b. I suppose it is an error ? do we know something about it ? Thank you

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mrueschman +0 points · 12 months ago

nuMoM2b was a home sleep test that did not include EEG, so full sleep staging was not possible. The N2 indicators you see in the XML sleep staging represent estimated sleep time.