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Sleep apnea scoring in STAGES dataset

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CC +0 points · about 1 year ago

Hi NSRR team:

Thank you for your every great contribution!

I would like to use STAGES dataset, especially sleep-disordered breathing labels, which are recorded as .csv files (for example, stages/files/original/STAGES PSGs/ MSMI/MSMI00001.csv).

My question is whether those .csv files were scored by sleep experts or the results from the automatic scoring algorithm.

I also tried to find some information about it, but I couldn't find any clear description.

Can you help me with this issue?

Thank you

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mrueschman +0 points · about 1 year ago

Hey CC - thanks for checking out the site. I agree this could be made clearer in the STAGES documentation.

Another user asked about this on the Forum last year; I provided the details I could find about the manual sleep scoring: https://sleepdata.org/forum/stages-ground-truth-hypnogram/

In short: Yes, the STAGES PSG data were scored by sleep experts.

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CC +0 points · about 1 year ago

Thank you for your response. I understand that sleep staging is annotated by experts, and I would like to further confirm whether the annotation of sleep apnea events has also been conducted and validated by domain experts. Additionally, I would like to inquire if the Apnea-Hypopnea Index (AHI) in the dataset ( https://sleepdata.org/datasets/stages/files/m/browser/original/De-identified%20Data/PSG%20SRBD%20Variables/STAGESPSGKeySRBDVariables2020-08-29%20Deidentified.xlsx ) is derived from the annotation of respiratory events. I noticed that there is information about the scoring of sleep breathing events in page 27 of the document ( https://sleepdata.org/datasets/stages/files/m/browser/original/STAGES%20SOPs/30K%20PSG%20Operational%20Plan%202017-03-31.pdf?inline=1 ), indicating that the annotations were done by an algorithm developed by the team. Therefore, I have some confusion.

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mrueschman +0 points · about 1 year ago

I received confirmation of the following from the STAGES data contributor:

  1. All the PSG annotations (staging, respiratory events) came from human scoring (sleep labs at each clinical site)
  2. The "SRBDVariables" spreadsheet was derived from the PSG annotation files.

I think the references in that supplemental documentation were discussing the possibility of using automated algorithms to further analyze the STAGES PSG data.

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CC +0 points · about 1 year ago

Thank you!