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Scoring Standard

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Yan +0 points · over 1 year ago

Dear sleepdata members, I am writing to inquire about the data provided in your community and whether it is annotated according to AASM standards. I have been reviewing the Sleep Heart Health Study dataset and have noticed discrepancies between some of the data and the latest AASM standards.

For example, in the shhs2-200340-nsrr.xml, the start point of the annotated oxygen desaturation events is not the baseline, and the endpoint is not at the lowest blood oxygen level.

I would greatly appreciate any information or clarification you can provide regarding the annotation standards used in your community's datasets. Thank you for your time and assistance.

Best regards, Yan

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mrueschman +0 points · over 1 year ago

Hey Yan --

Unfortunately, there are known issues with the desaturation annotations in SHHS. From this page:

Oxygen desaturation events from the annotation files may be absent and/or may not line up as anticipated with respiratory events. Original scoring data were indelibly changed when converting to a newer version of the scoring software that allowed for the creation of EDF/XML files. Users may opt to derive new desaturation events from the SaO2 signal.

By the way, I know you have posted on the forum in the past about EDF/annotation software you were developing. Is that where your screenshot is from? It looks great! Is the software available for the general public to download/use? Thanks!

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Yan +0 points · over 1 year ago

Hi Mrueschman,

Thank you for your response and for explaining the known issues with the desaturation annotations in SHHS.

Inspired by NSRR and LUNA projects, we have been developing a web-based platform called somnetx for data visualization and interactive processing to make data findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable. It is a application based on B/S architecture and can be accessed through a web page, so there is no need to download any software.

Currently, it can import data in EDF format and recognize XML format annotations according to NSRR standards.

We are committed to making this tool available for everyone to use, and we welcome feedback and suggestions as we continue to improve its functionality. However, the platform is still in development, and at present, we may only be able to accept small-scale testing.