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restan1 variable in SHHS 1

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sboudabous +0 points · 3 months ago


Could you please give me more details about the “restan1” variable in SHHS1. Is it related to the incompleteness of the sleep/wake or respiratory events scoring? What does “incomplete” exactly mean? Does it concern the hours of recording between sleep onset and waking up?

Thank you for any help

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mrueschman +0 points · 3 months ago

Thanks for using the site - these variables from the scoring notes form (https://sleepdata.org/datasets/shhs/files/m/browser/forms/shhs1/SHHS%201%20PSG%20Scoring%20Notes%20Form.pdf) pertain to completeness of the recording. The home sleep monitors from the mid-1990s had challenges with memory card size and batteries (as compared to more modern devices). As such, many recordings were "incomplete", either starting in sleep or ending in sleep (for example).

I believe restan1 is a general indicator about whether the recording appeared (to the scorer) to capture the entire sleep period or not.