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Question about ECG signal....

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JaHyungKoo +0 points · over 2 years ago

Dear Mike,

I really thanks for my first question about SHHS download problem.

And I have another question for ECG signal.

  1. In "08-equipment-shhs1.md" , it said that "ECG Placement: Medtronic Medclear ECG snap electrodes. 2 leads place R subclavicle-L lower rib. Occasional modesty issues necessitated altering placement to right subclavicle-left suubclavicle. Position 3-5 cm below the middle of the right and left collar bones, in spaces between rib bones." I was not major in related to ECG parts. So I didn`t understand about "Occasional modesty issues necessitated altering placement to right subclavicle-left suubclavicle". It means that normally it goes modified lead II ECG signal on SHHS1, but occasional modesty issues happens, it goes on lead I ECG signal?

  2. I red someone question for ECG signal about SHHS1, SHHS2, and MrOs. answer is that ECG L and R are separated. However, I dont know ECG L and R exact meaning. would you tell more explanation about ECG L and R? I tried these information on internet, but I didnt find any proper information.

  3. Final question looks like worthless something. In SHHS, documents said that 12-lead ECG signal. Other Dataset said same letters, because of using PSGs. So, probably I would only use lead 2 ECG signal in my research, would I get information for which Open dataset hold lead II ECG signal in NSRR documents.

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mrueschman +0 points · over 2 years ago

Hi - I'll ask another member of the team to comment on your first two questions.

Regarding #3 - SHHS had a 12-lead ECG reading done in clinic (i.e. not part of the overnight PSG). Some result variables from the 12-lead ECG are here: https://sleepdata.org/datasets/shhs/variables?folder=Clinical+Data%2FDiagnostic+Studies%2FElectrocardiogram

It sounds like for your research you will focus on the ECG signals in the overnight PSG recordings.

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DanMobley +0 points · over 2 years ago

Hello. For your other 2 questions:

For #1--You are correct. If a study participant was not comfortable exposing the rib cage for the left lead placement on the lower rib location, the placement could be modified so that the electrode was placed at the left subclavicle location, resulting in ECG being recorded from LA-RA leads.

For #2--In the example you mentioned, I believe these are referring to the way the channels were named on the PSG recording. This mean the ECG lead on the left side of the body (ECG L) and the ECG lead on the right side (ECG R) of the body. These are not meant to represent formal lead names as you would think of when looking at 12-lead ECG data.

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JaHyungKoo +0 points · over 2 years ago

Thanks for answers about my questions.

I really appreciated it.