Related Variables

nsrr_ttldurws_f1 Wake After Sleep Onset: the total duration being awake between sleep onset and lights-on/out-bed time from polysomnography

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: :waso:

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture
slplatp Sleep Latency: the interval between lights-out/in-bed time and sleep onset time from type II polysomnography Sleep Monitoring/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture
slpprdp Total Sleep Duration: the interval between sleep onset and sleep offset while the participant is asleep from type II polysomnography

Conventionally this variable would be called total sleep time (TST)(i.e. total time spent in stage 1 or greater).

Sleep Monitoring/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture
timebedp Total In-bed Period: the interval between lights out/in-bed time and lights off/out-bed time from type II polysomnography

Calculated. Conventionally this variable would be called time in bed (TIB).

Sleep Monitoring/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture