Quality of Life (SHHS1): Felt tired

During the past 4 weeks, how much of the time: Did you feel tired?

  • 1: All of the time
  • 2: Most of the time
  • 3: A good bit of the time
  • 4: Some of the time
  • 5: A little of time
  • 6: None of the time
Quality of Life (SHHS1): Felt tired vs SHHS Visit Number
Visit 1 Visit 2 CVD Outcomes
Total 5,804 4,080 5,042
All of the time 128 - -
Most of the time 343 - -
A good bit of the time 575 - -
Some of the time 2,018 - -
A little of time 1,893 - -
None of the time 405 - -
Unknown 442 4,080 5,042
Quality of Life (SHHS1): Felt tired vs Age at SHHS1
Visit 1
39.0 to 55.0 years 55.0 to 63.0 years 63.0 to 72.0 years 72.0 to 100.0 years Total
Total 1,451 1,451 1,451 1,451 5,804
All of the time 36 32 24 36 128
Most of the time 116 70 63 94 343
A good bit of the time 158 140 121 156 575
Some of the time 459 480 515 564 2,018
A little of time 482 471 500 440 1,893
None of the time 87 79 125 114 405
Unknown 113 179 103 47 442
Quality of Life (SHHS1): Felt tired vs Gender
Visit 1
Female Male Total
Total 3,039 2,765 5,804
All of the time 84 44 128
Most of the time 200 143 343
A good bit of the time 365 210 575
Some of the time 1,062 956 2,018
A little of time 939 954 1,893
None of the time 163 242 405
Unknown 226 216 442
Quality of Life (SHHS1): Felt tired vs Gender
Visit 2
Female Male Total
Total 2,219 1,861 4,080
All of the time - - -
Most of the time - - -
A good bit of the time - - -
Some of the time - - -
A little of time - - -
None of the time - - -
Unknown 2,219 1,861 4,080
Quality of Life (SHHS1): Felt tired vs Race
Visit 1
white black native amer/alaskan asian/pacific islander hispanic/mex. amer other Total
Total 4,907 515 11 88 280 3 5,804
All of the time 92 14 - 5 17 - 128
Most of the time 257 52 - 6 28 - 343
A good bit of the time 501 53 2 4 15 - 575
Some of the time 1,724 170 3 26 93 2 2,018
A little of time 1,618 157 5 32 80 1 1,893
None of the time 313 47 1 10 34 - 405
Unknown 402 22 - 5 13 - 442
Quality of Life (SHHS1): Felt tired vs Race
Visit 2
white black native amer/alaskan asian/pacific islander hispanic/mex. amer other Total
Total 3,587 256 8 48 180 1 4,080
All of the time - - - - - - -
Most of the time - - - - - - -
A good bit of the time - - - - - - -
Some of the time - - - - - - -
A little of time - - - - - - -
None of the time - - - - - - -
Unknown 3,587 256 8 48 180 1 4,080