Related Variables

vital Vital status at last contact

Deaths from any cause were identified and confirmed for the cohort using multiple concurrent approaches including follow-up interviews, written annual questionnaires or telephone contacts with study participants or next-of-kin, surveillance of local hospital records and community obituaries, and linkage with the Social Security Administration Death Master File. (For more information, see Punjabi et al. 2009 (PMID: 19688045))

Clinical Data/Incident Outcomes/Cardiovascular Diseases
nsrr_bp_systolic Systolic blood pressure

Average resting systolic blood pressure of two measurements collected from the upper arm in a single clinic visit. When more than two measurements were collected, the average was calculated using the second and third measurements. In cases where either of the measurements was missing, the average was calculated discarding the missing value.

Harmonized by the NSRR team to align with TOPMed and BioDataCatalyst standards. Source: :systbp: at Visit 1

Harmonized/Clinical Data