Related Variables

ai_all Arousal Index

Total number of arousals per hour of sleep. Ratio of count of arousals to total sleep time in hours.

ai_nrem Arousal Index (NREM)

Non-REM Arousal Index - total arousals in non-REM sleep per hours of non-REM sleep

cai0p Central Apnea Index all oxygen desaturations Measurements/Polysomnography/Respiratory Events/Indexes
cai4p Central Apnea Index 4% oxygen desaturation Measurements/Polysomnography/Respiratory Events/Indexes
cai4pa Central Apnea index 4% oxygen desaturation or arousal Measurements/Polysomnography/Respiratory Events/Indexes
oahi Obstructive Apnea Hypopnea Index (OAHI) at 4% oxygen desaturation Measurements/Polysomnography/Respiratory Events/Indexes
oai0p Obstructive Apnea Index all oxygen desaturations Measurements/Polysomnography/Respiratory Events/Indexes
oai4p Obstructive Apnea Index 4% oxygen desaturation Measurements/Polysomnography/Respiratory Events/Indexes
oai4pa Obstructive Apnea Index 4% oxygen desaturation or arousal Measurements/Polysomnography/Respiratory Events/Indexes
rdi0p Overall RDI all oxygen desaturations Measurements/Polysomnography/Respiratory Events/Indexes
rdi0pa Overall RDI all oxygen desaturations or arousal Measurements/Polysomnography/Respiratory Events/Indexes
rdi2p Overall RDI at 2% oxygen desaturation Measurements/Polysomnography/Respiratory Events/Indexes
rdi2pa Overall RDI at 2% oxygen desaturation or arousal Measurements/Polysomnography/Respiratory Events/Indexes
rdi3p Overall RDI at 3% oxygen desaturation Measurements/Polysomnography/Respiratory Events/Indexes
rdi3pa Overall RDI at 3% oxygen desaturation or arousal Measurements/Polysomnography/Respiratory Events/Indexes
rdi4p Overall RDI at 4% oxygen desaturation

Ratio of the count of all apneas (central and obstructive) and hypopneas associated with at least a 4% oxygen desaturation to the total sleep time expressed in hours

Measurements/Polysomnography/Respiratory Events/Indexes
rdi4pa Overall RDI at 4% oxygen desaturation or arousal Measurements/Polysomnography/Respiratory Events/Indexes
rdi5p Overall RDI at 5% oxygen desaturation Measurements/Polysomnography/Respiratory Events/Indexes
rdi5pa Overall RDI at 5% oxygen desaturation or arousal Measurements/Polysomnography/Respiratory Events/Indexes
rdinr0p Overall RDI (NREM) all oxygen desaturations Measurements/Polysomnography/Respiratory Events/Indexes
rdinr2p Overall RDI (NREM) at 2% oxygen desaturation Measurements/Polysomnography/Respiratory Events/Indexes
rdinr3p Overall RDI (NREM) at 3% oxygen desaturation Measurements/Polysomnography/Respiratory Events/Indexes
rdinr4p Overall RDI (NREM) at 4% oxygen desaturation Measurements/Polysomnography/Respiratory Events/Indexes
rdinr5p Overall RDI (NREM) at 5% oxygen desaturation Measurements/Polysomnography/Respiratory Events/Indexes
nsupinep Percent Time non-supine

Percent of sleep time in non-supine body position

Measurements/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture
slp_eff Sleep Efficiency

Percentage of time in bed that was spent sleeping, or the ratio of total sleep time to total time in bed, expressed as a percentage.

Measurements/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture
slp_rdi Sleep time used in calculations

Total time from lights out to lights on that is scored as sleep, rounded to nearest minute

Measurements/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture
supinep Percent Time supine

Percent of sleep time in supine body position

Measurements/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture
waso Wake After Sleep Onset

Total amount of time spent awake after going to sleep

Measurements/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture