Polysomnography (PSG) Quality Assessment (Sleep Heart Health Study Visit Two (SHHS2)): Sleep Wake Scoring

Study was scored sleep/wake rather than with full sleep staging. This assessment is made by the scorer if there is not sufficient quality on EEG leads to do full R&K scoring. (0=no (full scoring); 1=yes (sleep/wake only)) Studies scored as sleep wake have all sleep stages scored using a default of Stage 2 and no arousals are scored.

  • 0: No
  • 1: Yes
Polysomnography (PSG) Quality Assessment (Sleep Heart Health Study Visit Two (SHHS2)): Sleep Wake Scoring vs Sleep Heart Health Study (SHHS) Visit Number
Visit 1 Interim Follow-up Visit Visit 2 CVD Outcomes
Total - - 4,080 -
No - - 2,620 -
Yes - - 31 -
Unknown - - 1,429 -
Polysomnography (PSG) Quality Assessment (Sleep Heart Health Study Visit Two (SHHS2)): Sleep Wake Scoring vs Gender of the participant
Visit 2
Male Female Total
Total 1,861 2,219 4,080
No 1,204 1,416 2,620
Yes 22 9 31
Unknown 635 794 1,429
Polysomnography (PSG) Quality Assessment (Sleep Heart Health Study Visit Two (SHHS2)): Sleep Wake Scoring vs Race of the participant
Visit 2
White Black Other Total
Total 3,587 256 237 4,080
No 2,286 175 159 2,620
Yes 25 6 - 31
Unknown 1,276 75 78 1,429