Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and reading
  • 1: No Chance
  • 2: Slight Chance
  • 3: Moderate Chance
  • 4: High Chance
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and reading vs Sleep Heart Health Study (SHHS) Visit Number
Visit 1 Interim Follow-up Visit Visit 2 CVD Outcomes
Total 5,804 - - -
No Chance 1,044 - - -
Slight Chance 1,920 - - -
Moderate Chance 1,662 - - -
High Chance 1,062 - - -
Unknown 116 - - -
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and reading vs Age at Sleep Heart Health Study Visit One (SHHS1)
Visit 1
35-44 years 45-54 years 55-64 years 65-74 years 75-84 years 85 years or older Total
Total 342 1,017 1,769 1,617 955 104 5,804
No Chance 72 235 293 254 168 22 1,044
Slight Chance 119 364 578 518 313 28 1,920
Moderate Chance 82 249 505 507 287 32 1,662
High Chance 54 150 363 309 166 20 1,062
Unknown 15 19 30 29 21 2 116
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and reading vs Gender of the participant
Visit 1
Male Female Total
Total 2,765 3,039 5,804
No Chance 402 642 1,044
Slight Chance 903 1,017 1,920
Moderate Chance 826 836 1,662
High Chance 581 481 1,062
Unknown 53 63 116
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and reading vs Race of the participant
Visit 1
White Black Other Total
Total 4,907 515 382 5,804
No Chance 862 67 115 1,044
Slight Chance 1,638 157 125 1,920
Moderate Chance 1,424 159 79 1,662
High Chance 907 99 56 1,062
Unknown 76 33 7 116