Sleep Habits (SHHS2): Did not smoke for a year while smoker

22. Since you began smoking, was there ever a period of one year or more that

you did NOT smoke?

  • 0: No
  • 1: Yes
  • 8: Don't know
Sleep Habits (SHHS2): Did not smoke for a year while smoker vs SHHS Visit Number
Visit 1 Interim Follow-up Visit Visit 2 CVD Outcomes
Total - - 4,080 -
No - - 696 -
Yes - - 1,329 -
Don't know - - - -
Unknown - - 2,055 -
Sleep Habits (SHHS2): Did not smoke for a year while smoker vs Age at SHHS1
Visit 2
35-44 years 45-54 years 55-64 years 65-74 years 75-84 years 85 years or older Total
Total 184 707 1,321 1,200 624 44 4,080
No 16 128 210 217 116 9 696
Yes 46 227 503 382 158 13 1,329
Don't know - - - - - - -
Unknown 122 352 608 601 350 22 2,055
Sleep Habits (SHHS2): Did not smoke for a year while smoker vs Gender
Visit 2
Male Female Total
Total 1,861 2,219 4,080
No 387 309 696
Yes 750 579 1,329
Don't know - - -
Unknown 724 1,331 2,055
Sleep Habits (SHHS2): Did not smoke for a year while smoker vs Race
Visit 2
White Black Other Total
Total 3,587 256 237 4,080
No 615 55 26 696
Yes 1,219 70 40 1,329
Don't know - - - -
Unknown 1,753 131 171 2,055