Quality of Life (SHHS1): Been a very nervous person

During the past 4 weeks, how much of the time: Have you been a very nervous person?

  • 1: All of the time
  • 2: Most of the time
  • 3: A good bit of the time
  • 4: Some of the time
  • 5: A little of time
  • 6: None of the time
Quality of Life (SHHS1): Been a very nervous person vs SHHS Visit Number
Visit 1 Visit 2 CVD Outcomes
Total 5,804 4,080 5,042
All of the time 62 - -
Most of the time 142 - -
A good bit of the time 206 - -
Some of the time 907 - -
A little of time 1,823 - -
None of the time 2,211 - -
Unknown 453 4,080 5,042
Quality of Life (SHHS1): Been a very nervous person vs Age at SHHS1
Visit 1
39.0 to 55.0 years 55.0 to 63.0 years 63.0 to 72.0 years 72.0 to 100.0 years Total
Total 1,451 1,451 1,451 1,451 5,804
All of the time 22 11 13 16 62
Most of the time 44 37 29 32 142
A good bit of the time 64 44 50 48 206
Some of the time 212 226 228 241 907
A little of time 501 462 433 427 1,823
None of the time 495 488 595 633 2,211
Unknown 113 183 103 54 453
Quality of Life (SHHS1): Been a very nervous person vs Gender
Visit 1
Female Male Total
Total 3,039 2,765 5,804
All of the time 34 28 62
Most of the time 80 62 142
A good bit of the time 115 91 206
Some of the time 534 373 907
A little of time 1,001 822 1,823
None of the time 1,044 1,167 2,211
Unknown 231 222 453
Quality of Life (SHHS1): Been a very nervous person vs Gender
Visit 2
Female Male Total
Total 2,219 1,861 4,080
All of the time - - -
Most of the time - - -
A good bit of the time - - -
Some of the time - - -
A little of time - - -
None of the time - - -
Unknown 2,219 1,861 4,080
Quality of Life (SHHS1): Been a very nervous person vs Race
Visit 1
white black native amer/alaskan asian/pacific islander hispanic/mex. amer other Total
Total 4,907 515 11 88 280 3 5,804
All of the time 45 3 - 1 13 - 62
Most of the time 113 9 - 7 13 - 142
A good bit of the time 166 22 - 8 10 - 206
Some of the time 754 96 1 13 42 1 907
A little of time 1,590 117 4 23 88 1 1,823
None of the time 1,834 240 6 31 99 1 2,211
Unknown 405 28 - 5 15 - 453
Quality of Life (SHHS1): Been a very nervous person vs Race
Visit 2
white black native amer/alaskan asian/pacific islander hispanic/mex. amer other Total
Total 3,587 256 8 48 180 1 4,080
All of the time - - - - - - -
Most of the time - - - - - - -
A good bit of the time - - - - - - -
Some of the time - - - - - - -
A little of time - - - - - - -
None of the time - - - - - - -
Unknown 3,587 256 8 48 180 1 4,080