Slow-Release Nifedipine (SHHS2)

Participant taking SLOW-RELEASE NIFEDIPINE within two weeks of the SHHS2 visit. All medications were recorded during the interview, and medication information was later categorized by physician review.

  • 0: No
  • 1: Yes
Slow-Release Nifedipine (SHHS2) vs SHHS Visit Number
Visit 1 Visit 2 CVD Outcomes
Total 5,804 4,080 5,042
No - 3,563 -
Yes - 57 -
Unknown 5,804 460 5,042
Slow-Release Nifedipine (SHHS2) vs Age at SHHS1
Visit 1
39.0 to 55.0 years 55.0 to 63.0 years 63.0 to 72.0 years 72.0 to 100.0 years Total
Total 1,451 1,451 1,451 1,451 5,804
No - - - - -
Yes - - - - -
Unknown 1,451 1,451 1,451 1,451 5,804
Slow-Release Nifedipine (SHHS2) vs Gender
Visit 1
Female Male Total
Total 3,039 2,765 5,804
No - - -
Yes - - -
Unknown 3,039 2,765 5,804
Slow-Release Nifedipine (SHHS2) vs Gender
Visit 2
Female Male Total
Total 2,219 1,861 4,080
No 1,928 1,635 3,563
Yes 31 26 57
Unknown 260 200 460
Slow-Release Nifedipine (SHHS2) vs Race
Visit 1
white black native amer/alaskan asian/pacific islander hispanic/mex. amer other Total
Total 4,907 515 11 88 280 3 5,804
No - - - - - - -
Yes - - - - - - -
Unknown 4,907 515 11 88 280 3 5,804
Slow-Release Nifedipine (SHHS2) vs Race
Visit 2
white black native amer/alaskan asian/pacific islander hispanic/mex. amer other Total
Total 3,587 256 8 48 180 1 4,080
No 3,118 232 6 42 164 1 3,563
Yes 44 10 - 1 2 - 57
Unknown 425 14 2 5 14 - 460