Quality of Life (SHHS1): Health limited your social activities

During the past 4 weeks, how much of the time: Has your health limited your social activities (like visiting with friends or close relatives)?

  • 1: All of the time
  • 2: Most of the time
  • 3: Some of the time
  • 4: A little of the time
  • 5: None of the time
Quality of Life (SHHS1): Health limited your social activities vs SHHS Visit Number
Visit 1 Interim Follow-up Visit Visit 2 CVD Outcomes
Total 5,804 - - -
All of the time 50 - - -
Most of the time 147 - - -
Some of the time 1,101 - - -
A little of the time 3,587 - - -
None of the time 464 - - -
Unknown 455 - - -
Quality of Life (SHHS1): Health limited your social activities vs Age at SHHS1
Visit 1
35-44 years 45-54 years 55-64 years 65-74 years 75-84 years 85 years or older Total
Total 342 1,017 1,769 1,617 955 104 5,804
All of the time 2 11 6 17 10 4 50
Most of the time 9 25 30 32 38 13 147
Some of the time 79 185 268 299 243 27 1,101
A little of the time 209 577 1,095 1,033 616 57 3,587
None of the time 20 141 156 123 24 - 464
Unknown 23 78 214 113 24 3 455
Quality of Life (SHHS1): Health limited your social activities vs Gender
Visit 1
Male Female Total
Total 2,765 3,039 5,804
All of the time 26 24 50
Most of the time 61 86 147
Some of the time 462 639 1,101
A little of the time 1,764 1,823 3,587
None of the time 227 237 464
Unknown 225 230 455
Quality of Life (SHHS1): Health limited your social activities vs Race
Visit 1
White Black Other Total
Total 4,907 515 382 5,804
All of the time 38 5 7 50
Most of the time 94 33 20 147
Some of the time 843 145 113 1,101
A little of the time 3,062 308 217 3,587
None of the time 463 - 1 464
Unknown 407 24 24 455