Related Variables

avsao2nh Average oxygen saturation (SaO2)% during non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREM) Measurements/Polysomnography/Oxygen Saturation
avsao2rh Average oxygen saturation (SaO2)% during Rapid eye movement sleep (REM) Measurements/Polysomnography/Oxygen Saturation
timeremp Percent Time in rapid eye movement sleep (REM)

The ratio of time in rapid eye movement sleep (REM) to total sleep time, expressed as a percentage.

Measurements/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture
times34p Percent Time in Stage 3/4 Measurements/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture
timest1p Percent Time in Stage 1 Measurements/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture
timest2p Percent Time in Stage 2 Measurements/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture