
B12. Overall Study Quality from type III home sleep apnea test vs A4b. Visit of Sleep Study
Visit 1 Visit 3
Total 3,012 2,332
Fail. Less than 2 hours of oximetry and nasal pressure or one band - -
Poor. Oximetry and either nasal pressure or one band useable for >= 2 hours but less than 4 hours 119 107
Fair. Oximetry and either nasal pressure or one band useable for >= 4 hours 223 207
Good. At least nasal pressure, one band, and oximetry or both bands and oximetry useable for >= 4 hours 913 707
Excellent. All channels are useable for >= 4 hours but < 6 hours 487 390
Outstanding. All channels are good for >= 6 hours 1,270 921
B12. Overall Study Quality from type III home sleep apnea test vs Race/ethnicity combined categories derived from V1AF05 and V1AF07a-g
Visit 1
Non-Hispanic White Non-Hispanic Black Hispanic Asian Other Total
Total 1,842 359 557 112 142 3,012
Fail. Less than 2 hours of oximetry and nasal pressure or one band - - - - - -
Poor. Oximetry and either nasal pressure or one band useable for >= 2 hours but less than 4 hours 62 28 20 2 7 119
Fair. Oximetry and either nasal pressure or one band useable for >= 4 hours 137 29 37 10 10 223
Good. At least nasal pressure, one band, and oximetry or both bands and oximetry useable for >= 4 hours 567 120 143 39 44 913
Excellent. All channels are useable for >= 4 hours but < 6 hours 296 62 90 18 21 487
Outstanding. All channels are good for >= 6 hours 780 120 267 43 60 1,270
B12. Overall Study Quality from type III home sleep apnea test vs Race/ethnicity combined categories derived from V1AF05 and V1AF07a-g
Visit 3
Non-Hispanic White Non-Hispanic Black Hispanic Asian Other Total
Total 1,494 247 397 84 110 2,332
Fail. Less than 2 hours of oximetry and nasal pressure or one band - - - - - -
Poor. Oximetry and either nasal pressure or one band useable for >= 2 hours but less than 4 hours 67 14 18 3 5 107
Fair. Oximetry and either nasal pressure or one band useable for >= 4 hours 129 28 30 10 10 207
Good. At least nasal pressure, one band, and oximetry or both bands and oximetry useable for >= 4 hours 436 88 128 26 29 707
Excellent. All channels are useable for >= 4 hours but < 6 hours 250 46 61 15 18 390
Outstanding. All channels are good for >= 6 hours 612 71 160 30 48 921