
Compared to your usual night's sleep, how well did you sleep last night? vs Visit
Visit 1 Visit 2
Total 2,911 2,911
Missing 1 2
Much worse than usual 329 115
Somewhat worse than usual 1,189 409
As well as usual 1,108 399
A little better than usual 217 82
Much better than usual 67 19
Unknown - 1,885
Compared to your usual night's sleep, how well did you sleep last night? vs Age at Sleep Visit 1
Visit 1
67.0 to 72.0 years 72.0 to 76.0 years 76.0 to 80.0 years 80.0 to 90.0 years Total
Total 728 728 728 727 2,911
Missing - 1 - - 1
Much worse than usual 86 80 82 81 329
Somewhat worse than usual 310 302 300 277 1,189
As well as usual 270 285 268 285 1,108
A little better than usual 53 50 60 54 217
Much better than usual 9 10 18 30 67
Compared to your usual night's sleep, how well did you sleep last night? vs Gender
Visit 1
Female Male Total
Total - 2,911 2,911
Missing - 1 1
Much worse than usual - 329 329
Somewhat worse than usual - 1,189 1,189
As well as usual - 1,108 1,108
A little better than usual - 217 217
Much better than usual - 67 67
Compared to your usual night's sleep, how well did you sleep last night? vs Gender
Visit 2
Female Male Total
Total - 2,911 2,911
Missing - 2 2
Much worse than usual - 115 115
Somewhat worse than usual - 409 409
As well as usual - 399 399
A little better than usual - 82 82
Much better than usual - 19 19
Unknown - 1,885 1,885
Compared to your usual night's sleep, how well did you sleep last night? vs Race Category
Visit 1
White African American Asian Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Native Multiracial Unknown Total
Total 2,651 99 85 3 1 30 42 2,911
Missing 1 - - - - - - 1
Much worse than usual 299 11 8 - 1 5 5 329
Somewhat worse than usual 1,107 26 31 2 - 8 15 1,189
As well as usual 1,002 43 31 1 - 13 18 1,108
A little better than usual 186 12 12 - - 3 4 217
Much better than usual 56 7 3 - - 1 - 67
Compared to your usual night's sleep, how well did you sleep last night? vs Race Category
Visit 2
White African American Asian Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Native Multiracial Unknown Total
Total 2,651 99 85 3 1 30 42 2,911
Missing 1 1 - - - - - 2
Much worse than usual 108 3 1 1 - 2 - 115
Somewhat worse than usual 364 12 22 - - 4 7 409
As well as usual 338 22 17 2 1 6 13 399
A little better than usual 68 3 7 - - 2 2 82
Much better than usual 17 - 2 - - - - 19
Unknown 1,755 58 36 - - 16 20 1,885