
Climbing one flight of stairs vs Visit number
Baseline Follow-up
Total 318 301
Yes, limited a lot 24 20
Yes, limited a little 88 77
No, not limited at all 206 202
Unknown - 2
Climbing one flight of stairs vs Treatment Arm
Healthy Lifestyles and Sleep Education - control arm (HLSE) Healthy Lifestyles and Sleep Education + (supplemental nocturnal) Oxygen - oxygen arm (HLSE-O) Healthy Lifestyles and Sleep Education + Positive airway pressure treatment - CPAP arm (HLSE-P) Total
Total 106 106 106 318
Yes, limited a lot 8 9 7 24
Yes, limited a little 28 34 26 88
No, not limited at all 70 63 73 206
Climbing one flight of stairs vs Treatment Arm
Healthy Lifestyles and Sleep Education - control arm (HLSE) Healthy Lifestyles and Sleep Education + (supplemental nocturnal) Oxygen - oxygen arm (HLSE-O) Healthy Lifestyles and Sleep Education + Positive airway pressure treatment - CPAP arm (HLSE-P) Total
Total 100 101 100 301
Yes, limited a lot 4 9 7 20
Yes, limited a little 27 27 23 77
No, not limited at all 68 65 69 202
Unknown 1 - 1 2
Climbing one flight of stairs vs Age category
45-54 years 55-64 years 65 years or older Total
Total 53 139 126 318
Yes, limited a lot 5 9 10 24
Yes, limited a little 13 41 34 88
No, not limited at all 35 89 82 206
Climbing one flight of stairs vs Age category
45-54 years 55-64 years 65 years or older Total
Total 49 127 124 300
Yes, limited a lot 2 10 8 20
Yes, limited a little 14 31 32 77
No, not limited at all 33 86 83 202
Unknown - - 1 1
Climbing one flight of stairs vs Gender
Female Male Total
Total 84 234 318
Yes, limited a lot 12 12 24
Yes, limited a little 31 57 88
No, not limited at all 41 165 206
Climbing one flight of stairs vs Gender
Female Male Total
Total 79 222 301
Yes, limited a lot 8 12 20
Yes, limited a little 18 59 77
No, not limited at all 53 149 202
Unknown - 2 2
Climbing one flight of stairs vs Race
White Black Other Total
Total 252 42 19 313
Yes, limited a lot 14 8 2 24
Yes, limited a little 64 17 5 86
No, not limited at all 174 17 12 203
Climbing one flight of stairs vs Race
White Black Other Total
Total 237 40 19 296
Yes, limited a lot 15 4 1 20
Yes, limited a little 54 13 7 74
No, not limited at all 167 23 11 201
Unknown 1 - - 1