Related Variables

nsrr_tib_f1 Total In-bed Period: the interval between lights off/in-bed time and lights on/out-bed time from polysomnography

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Conventionally, this would be called time in bed (TIB)

Source: :timebedp:

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture
period Periodic breathing >= 10 minutes

1=unusual occurrences - periodic breathing > 5 minutes

Sleep Monitoring/Polysomnography/Signal Quality
waso Wake After Sleep Onset: the total duration between sleep onset and lights-on/out-bed time while being awake from type I polysomnography

Total amount of time spent awake after going to sleep [(time in bed) - (sleep latency) - (Total Sleep Time (TST))]

Sleep Monitoring/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture