Related Variables

eli12 Does the participant have severe health problems that could be exacerbated by delayed treatment for OSAS?

Includes any of the following: a. Doctor-diagnosed heart disease or cor pulmonale. b. Stage II hypertension as defined >99% percentile (CDC) plus 5mmHg for either systolic or diastolic examination, based on age, gender, and height normm, as measured on the baseline exam or the PSG or requiring medication c. Therapy for failure to thrive or short stature d. Psychiatric or behavioral disorders requiring or likely to require initiation of new medication, therapy or other specific treatment during the 12 month trial period e. For school aged children, parental report of excessive daytime sleepiness defined as unable to maintain wakefulness at least three times per week in routine activities in school or home, despite adequate opportunity to sleep.

slpprdm Sleep period

Total sleep period (minutes) = total sleep time + total time awake, includes time spent awake after lights on and therefore is not correct (not used in final dataset)

stlonp Lights on set by scorer

Lights on time – end of in-bed period set by scorer

wasom Wake time during sleep period

Actually is total time awake after sleep onset - includes wake time after lights on (not used in final dataset)

Sleep/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture
slh1a_12 Time period child was in bed on weekdays? Sleep/Sleep and Health Questionnaire
slh1a_22 Time period child was in bed on weekends? Sleep/Sleep and Health Questionnaire