Related Variables

oai4pa Obstructive apnea index 4% or arousal

Obstructive apnea index with arousal at 4% desaturation [(total number of obstructive apneas with arousals associated with >= 4% desaturation) / (hours of sleep)]

Sleep/Polysomnography/Respiratory Events/Indexes
omai4pa Obstructive/mixed apnea index 4% or arousal

Obstructive / mixed apnea index with arousals at 4% desaturation [(total number of obstructive apneas with aroual associated with >= 4% desaturation+ total number of mixed apneas with arousal associated with >= 4% desaturation) / (hours of sleep)]

Sleep/Polysomnography/Respiratory Events/Indexes
rdim4pa Overall RDI at 4% desaturation or arousal

RDI with arousals at 4% desaturation [(total number of apneas and hypopneas with arousal associated with >= 4% desaturation) / (hours of sleep)]

Sleep/Polysomnography/Respiratory Events/Indexes