
Did you usually cough on most days for three (3) consecutive months or more during the year vs Visit
Visit 5
Total 735
No 598
Yes 88
Don't know 49
Did you usually cough on most days for three (3) consecutive months or more during the year vs Participant's age (category)
Visit 5
5-14 yrs old 15-24 yrs old 25-34 yrs old 35-44 years 45-54 years 55-64 years 65-74 years 75-84 years 85 years or older Total
Total 64 112 62 98 148 84 57 31 2 658
No 58 96 51 79 119 66 44 24 1 538
Yes 5 10 6 12 21 11 11 2 1 79
Don't know 1 6 5 7 8 7 2 5 - 41
Did you usually cough on most days for three (3) consecutive months or more during the year vs Participant's sex
Visit 5
Female Male Total
Total 406 329 735
No 330 268 598
Yes 48 40 88
Don't know 28 21 49
Did you usually cough on most days for three (3) consecutive months or more during the year vs Participant's race
Visit 5
White Black More than one race Total
Total 304 409 22 735
No 257 323 18 598
Yes 35 51 2 88
Don't know 12 35 2 49