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NIH Request for Information: Strategies for NIH Data Management, Sharing, and Citation

To our NSRR community members, The NIH published a Request for Information (RFI) that seeks your feedback on data management and sharing strategies. Responses to this request will help inform NIH on how to invest in future database and data tools to support the research community. We hope you have found the existing resources of the NSRR helpful and are interested in hearing of ways to further support your research. Please email us at support@sleepdata.org. Keep reading

By remomueller on November 29, 2016 Nov 29, 2016 in News

A New Milestone

We're excited to announce that over the past weekend we've surpassed our 50TB data shared to users milestone! Thank you to all of the over 400 students and researchers who have made use of the National Sleep Research Resource to further your research goals and experiences. The NSRR team has continued to publish updates to our existing datasets, and has expanded the resource by two new datasets. Keep reading

By remomueller on November 28, 2016 Nov 28, 2016 in News

MESA Dataset 0.1.1 Released

The 10th NSRR dataset went online earlier this month: Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) Sleep. The NSRR team worked closely with the Collaborative Health Studies Coordinating Center (CHSCC) to make these data available. Keep reading

By mrueschman on October 24, 2016 Oct 24, 2016 in Releases

HCHS/SOL Dataset 0.3.0 Released

We released a new version of the Hispanic Community Health Study / Study of Latinos dataset last week. This release contains data from the SueƱo Ancillary study, which recruited more than 2,000 participants to take part in an additional data collection visit that included wrist-worn actigraphy data and sleep-related questionnaires. The actigraphy data are available both in summary form within the phenotype datasets, as well as in a more "raw", epoch-by-epoch format. Keep reading

By mrueschman on October 3, 2016 Oct 3, 2016 in Releases

HAASSA Dataset 0.1.0 Released

The 9th NSRR dataset has come online: it is the Honolulu-Asia Aging Study of Sleep Apnea (HAASSA). We have done this in collaboration with Kuakini Health System, who write this about the overall project: An outgrowth of the Kuakini Honolulu Heart Program (HHP) is the Kuakini Honolulu-Asia Aging Study (HAAS) that was established in 1991 to study the causes of dementia, a disease that afflicts over five million Americans. Keep reading

By mrueschman on September 23, 2016 Sep 23, 2016 in Releases

First NSRR Signals Core Seminar - August 31, 2016

The Complex Signals Core is an outreach project of the NHLBI-sponsored National Sleep Research Resource (NSRR) grant. As part of this effort, we are inaugurating a series of seminars with the aim of bringing HMS community members and others interested in the analysis, interpretation, and translational applications of biomedical signals. The first of a series of seminars/workshops will be held on August 31st 2016 at 1 pm in the Zinner Board Room, at 70 Francis Street, Boston, MA. Ary L. Keep reading

By remomueller on August 16, 2016 Aug 16, 2016 in News

A Hearty Thank You

This blog post isn't about a new dataset or tool, but rather an expression of our appreciation for Susan Surovec and her work on the NSRR. Susan recently retired after spending more than 20 years with the Boston Sleep Reading Center group. Susan stewarded the Sleep Heart Health Study, our most popular dataset, from data collection all the way until its posting on the NSRR. Keep reading

By mrueschman on August 12, 2016 Aug 12, 2016 in News

CHAT 0.5.0 Dataset Released

Today we released a new version of the CHAT dataset. There were a handful of tweaks made to the primary CHAT dataset, including the removal of an identifiable variable (recruitment site) and clarification of the household income-related variables. The latter issue was raised by an NSRR user who was attempting to incorporate socioeconomic status into her analysis. Keep reading

By mrueschman on July 22, 2016 Jul 22, 2016 in Releases

NSRR Gem 0.3.0 Released

We've released an updated version 0.3.0 of our NSRR dataset downloader today! You can install or update to using the new gem using the following command: gem install nsrr --no-document Most importantly, the nsrr gem now leverages our new backend API that allows a user to download a single file. Due to limitations in the past, previous versions of the gem only allowed folders to be downloaded. You can try this out with the new gem now! nsrr download shhs/datasets/CHANGELOG. Keep reading

By remomueller on April 25, 2016 Apr 25, 2016 in Releases

Release v0.18.0 Overview - Part 2

In this blog, we'll be exploring the recent changes made to the way dataset variables are displayed on the NSRR. Our variable pages are designed to give you a quick and comprehensive glance at all dataset elements available in a dataset. We see these pages as a guide and reference for you, and hope that they serve you well as you start your research and exploration of the datasets. Keep reading

By remomueller on February 8, 2016 Feb 8, 2016 in Releases