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nsrr_waso_f1 under Harmonized/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture in PATS variables
Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: :psg_waso:
wd_waso under Sleep Questionnaires/Sleep Habits in ANSWERS variables
Item calculated based on combined review of Split week self-assessment of sleep survey (SASS-Y) and the Munich Chronotype Questionnaire (MCTQ). Search for all SASS-Y/MCTQ variables within this dataset
we_waso under Sleep Questionnaires/Sleep Habits in ANSWERS variables
Item calculated based on combined review of Split week self-assessment of sleep survey (SASS-Y) and the Munich Chronotype Questionnaire (MCTQ). Search for all SASS-Y/MCTQ variables within this dataset
nsrr_waso_f1 under Harmonized/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture in CHAT variables
Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: :waso:
psg_waso under Sleep Monitoring/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture in PATS variables
nsrr_waso_f1 under Harmonized/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture in MESA variables
Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: :waso5:
avgwaso5 under Sleep Monitoring/Actigraphy in MESA variables
WASO is the duration of being awake between sleep onset and offset time in main sleep.
avgwasonw5 under Sleep Monitoring/Actigraphy in MESA variables
WASO is the duration of being awake between sleep onset and offset time in main sleep.
avgwasowd5 under Sleep Monitoring/Actigraphy in MESA variables
WASO is the duration of being awake between sleep onset and offset time in main sleep.
avgwasowe5 under Sleep Monitoring/Actigraphy in MESA variables
WASO is the duration of being awake between sleep onset and offset time in main sleep.
avgwasowo5 under Sleep Monitoring/Actigraphy in MESA variables
WASO is the duration of being awake between sleep onset and offset time in main sleep.
sawa22 under Sleep Monitoring/Actigraphy in HCHS variables
This variable is similar to sawa57; however, sawa22 is generated by Actiware software before data optimization.
sawa57 under Sleep Monitoring/Actigraphy in HCHS variables
This variable is similar to sawa22; however, sawa22 is generated by Actiware software before data optimization.
waso under Sleep Monitoring/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture in CHAT variables
Total amount of time spent awake after going to sleep [(time in bed) - (sleep latency) - (Total Sleep Time (TST))]
avginbedwake5 under Sleep Monitoring/Actigraphy in MESA variables
Duration of wake in bed is the sum of sleep latency, wake after sleep onset (WASO) and wake after sleep offset in main sleep. Conventionally, this variable would be called "total wake time" (TWT).
avginbedwakenw5 under Sleep Monitoring/Actigraphy in MESA variables
Duration of wake in bed is the sum of sleep latency, wake after sleep onset (WASO) and wake after sleep offset in main sleep. Conventionally, this variable would be called "total wake time" (TWT).