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chmh_heartburn_or_acid_reflux under Medical History in PATS variables
med1g1 under Medical History in CHAT variables
chmh_heartburn_meds under Medical History/Medications in PATS variables
chmh_heartburn_still_present under Medical History in PATS variables
ppi2 under Medical History/Medications/SHHS2 in SHHS variables
Participant taking PROTON PUMP INHIBITORS within two weeks of the Sleep Heart Health Study Visit Two (SHHS2) visit. All medications were recorded during the interview, and medication information was later categorized by physician review.
hb02 under Sleep Questionnaires/Sleep Disturbance in SHHS variables
In the past year, how often, on average, have you been awakened with heartburn or indigestion?
otch2b2 under Medical History/Medications/SHHS2 in SHHS variables
Participant taking OVER-THE-COUNTER H-2 BLOCKERS within two weeks of the Sleep Heart Health Study Visit Two (SHHS2) visit. All medications were recorded during the interview, and medication information was later categorized by physician review.