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SHHS treatment of sleep apnea

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eptehaldongol +0 points · about 7 years ago

Hi, can you tell me, please, the patients included in the SHHS and were diagnosed with sleep apnea at the baseline and had normal AHI at the follow, were they on treatment for sleep apnea?? kind regards Eptehal

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mrueschman +1 point · about 7 years ago

A couple years after SHHS Visit 1 there was an Interim Follow-up Call, which has this variable: treatedsleepapnea (based upon "Yes" responses to sleepapnea)

That said, use of CPAP was an exclusion criteria for participants recruited to undergo polysomnography at Visit 2. From the SHHS2 Manual of Procedures:

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eptehaldongol +0 points · about 7 years ago

thank you very much indeed for the help and illustration. I found it...