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windang +0 points · about 7 years ago

Hi Mike

Our (SHHS) article has been accepted for publication, thank you very much for your help!

Do you know if I need to have open access for this article? Since it's funded by NIH and NIH requires its articles to be deposited to PMC?

Please advise

Best Winda

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mrueschman +0 points · about 7 years ago


I'm not sure about the open access question - let me bring it up with other members of the team and get back to you.

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eptehaldongol +0 points · about 7 years ago

can I ask you what is the main topic of the article?? As I am working on the same dataset??

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windang +0 points · about 7 years ago

Thanks Mike, let me know when you know. @Eptehal: It's about the relationship between obesity and excessive daytime sleepiness. What is yours?

Best Winda

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mrueschman +0 points · about 7 years ago

I asked around and was informed that submitting the article to PMC is not required in this case. As long as you included the NSRR citations (from DAUA and dataset documentation page) then I think you'll be fine.

Please give us a heads-up when the article is out!

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windang +1 point · about 7 years ago

Understood, thanks Mike!

I was just informed that the uneditted version is out: http://www.sciencedirect.com.ezproxy.lib.monash.edu.au/science/article/pii/S1389945717302125

I will let you know again when the full version is ready.

Best Winda

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windang +1 point · about 7 years ago

Hi Mike

Final version published! http://www.sleep-journal.com/article/S1389-9457(17)30212-5/pdf

Best Winda

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mrueschman +0 points · about 7 years ago

Fantastic! Thanks again for using the resource and for letting us know about the publication.