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Negative 'glucose levels' in CFS

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hehaodele +0 points · about 1 year ago

Dear sleepdata community,

I am recently checking the variables in the CFS dataset. I find it weird that a significant amount of 'fasting glucose levels' values are negative. (https://sleepdata.org/datasets/cfs/variables/glucose_fast_orig) Am I misinterpreting the meaning of this variable?

Thanks, Hao He

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mrueschman +0 points · about 1 year ago

Hey - thanks for using the site.

I compared these variables:

In glucose_fast_orig I see 5 subjects with values of -999, which presumably was some sort of missing code. I believe the second variable, glucose_fast, is the "clean" version of the fasting glucose, where the 5 negative values have been censored from the dataset. I suggest using glucose_fast in your analyses.

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hehaodele +0 points · about 1 year ago

Thanks for the prompt response. I will check out the fasting glucose levels.

Thanks, Hao