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geographic identifiers for SHHS?

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christopherkhawand +0 points · over 9 years ago

Does anyone know if there's any way to determine the geographic locations for the SHHS data? I only need to match participants to their study sites. If there would be a way to link the participants to their source studies/centers (e.g., ARIC, CHS, SHS, and Framingham Field Centers), that would work too.

Thank you!

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mrueschman +0 points · over 9 years ago

The data were purposefully stripped of this information (location and parent cohort) by the SHHS Coordinating Center before being posted on BioLINCC. The NSRR datasets are derived from the BioLINCC posting.

I believe this process was undertaken at the request of the parent cohorts, who often have more stringent requirements for accessing their cohort-level data. Given that some of the parent cohorts have other (non-SHHS) data posted on BioLINCC, I expect there might be methods to link across the datasets if you go through that resource. It might be worth querying the BioLINCC group to see what the feasibility is of obtaining the parent cohort links for subjects who participated in SHHS.

One final note: Strong Heart Study (SHS) data are not included on sleepdata.org or BioLINCC.

Due to sovereignty issues, Strong Heart Study participants are not included in the shared SHHS data. Data from a total of 5804 participants (1915 ARIC, 1230 CHS, 688 Framingham Offspring and 1971 from other studies), consenting to share data are available.