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Accurate sleep scoring & analysis!

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sheriema +2 points · about 7 years ago

Hi all,

My name is Dr. Sherie Ma and I’m from the Florey Institute in Melbourne Australia. Our lab developed an EEG analysis program named Somnivore and it has now been beta tested by independent labs on human and rodent EEG data and proven to be highly accurate. The premise of this program is its user-friendly interface for acquisition and analysis of electrical signals (30 signals) and using machine-learning, it can be used for rapid scoring of signals. For example, a user would sleep score ~5 min of data, which is used to teach Somnivore to then complete the remaining scoring of 30 h recording (completed in 7 seconds). It also has biofeedback capabilities, where after a short manual scoring ‘teaching’, the program can accurately score data online and interface with other hardware, such as a sleep deprivation apparatus or optogenetic laser. A further capability of Somnivore is the Analyser, which provides an interactive PDF report of hundreds of end-measures. In this regard, the program is also proving useful in data-mining EEG data. We recently presented poster at SfN, which is available at https://app.box.com/s/85cngo4p6o6yo7n0i4lbzwinizb1y78q

As part of a commercialisation program at the University of Melbourne, we’re seeking input and feedback from the sleep research community on how we can better improve our software. As part of your participation, we can provide a pre-launch trial version and a discount on a first subscription thereafter if you were still interested. We are seeking input from both purchasers (PIs, managers) and end-users (postdocs, technicians). If you're interested, please email me at sherie.ma@florey.edu.au. Thanks!

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mrueschman +0 points · about 7 years ago

I shared your post with other members of the team, which stirred up some interest. I will email you about next steps. Thanks for sharing and good luck with ongoing development!

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sheriema +0 points · about 7 years ago

Thanks Mike, looking forward to talking to your team!