Related Variables

nose_0600 NOSE Total Score

Over the past ONE month, how much of a problem were the following conditions for you? (0=No Problem, 20=Worst possible problem with nasal obstruction)

General Health
fss_1000 Fatigue Severity Scale: Total Score

Calculated - Total score based on a 9-item questionnsiares assessing how fatigue interferes with certain activities and its severity. Schwartz, Jandorf & Krupp, 1993 (PubMed ID: 8229906) Scale 1 - 7 for individual items; 7 - 63 for overall score. Higher score indicates greater fatigue severity, while 36 indicates fatigue.

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General Health/Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS)
gad_0800 Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 Questionnaire: Total Score

Calculated - Summary score based on a 7-item questionnaires for generalized anxiety. Scale 0 - 3 for individual items; 0 - 21 for overall score. Scores of 0-5 are categorized as mild anxiety, 6-10 as moderate anxiety, 11-15 as moderately severe anxiety, 15-21 as severe anxiety, respectively. As a screening tool, score of 10 and above suggests further evalution. Schwartz, Jandorf & Krupp, 1993 (PubMed ID: 8229906)

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General Health/Generalized Anxiety Disorder Questionnaire (GAD-7)
phq_1000 Patient Health Questionnaire 9: Total Score

Summary score for Patient Health Questionnaire 9-item. Each item is scored from 0 to 3, while the total score range from 0 to 27. The PHQ-9 score can be divided into the following categories of increasing severity: Not Clinically significant (0-4), Minimal Symptoms (5-9), Minor depression/Dysthymia/Mild Major Depression (10-14), Moderately Severe Major Depression (15-19), and Severe Major Depression (20-27). Kroenke K et al. 2001 (PubMED ID: 11556941)

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General Health/Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9)
cir_0700 rMEQ Total Score

The summary score of morningness-eveningness questionnaire has a range from 4 to 25. There are give categories: definitely evening tendency (4-7), moderately evening type (8-11), neither type (12-17), moderately morning type (18-21), definitely morning type (22-25).

Sleep Questionnaires/Chronotype
ess_0900 Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Total score

Calculated - Total score based on an 8-item questionnaires ranking likelihood of dozing off Johns MW 1991 (PubMed ID: 1798888). Scale 0-3 for individual items; 0 to 24 for overall score. There are three categories: <10=normal, ?10=sleepy, ?18=very sleepy.

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Sleep Questionnaires/Hypersomnia
index_3 MAP Index 3: Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS) Score Sleep Questionnaires/Hypersomnia
index_4 MAP Index 4: Narcolepsy Like Symptoms Score Sleep Questionnaires/Hypersomnia
narc_1900 Sleep Paralysis Frequency Score

Summary score range from 0 to 4

Sleep Questionnaires/Hypersomnia
narc_2000 Hypnagogic Hallucinations (HH) Frequency Score

Summary score range from 0 to 4

Sleep Questionnaires/Hypersomnia
narc_2100 Cataplexy Frequency Score - Current

Summary score range from 0 to 16

Sleep Questionnaires/Hypersomnia
narc_2110 Cataplexy Frequency Score - Before Treatment

Summary score range from 0 to 16

Sleep Questionnaires/Hypersomnia
narc_2200 Cataplexy Severity Score - Current

Summary score range from 0 to 30

Sleep Questionnaires/Hypersomnia
rls_severity Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) Current Severity

Algorithm derived by STAGES team

Sleep Questionnaires/Parasomnia
index_1 MAP Index 1: Apnea Score Sleep Questionnaires/Sleep Disordered Breathing
isi_score Insomnia Severity Index: Total Score

Summary score for the Insomnia Severity Index. (Morin CM, Insomnia, psychological assessment and management. Guilford Press, New York, 1993)[] Each item is scored from 0 to 4. Total score is the sum of all seven items (0 to 28), and catergorized as: not clinically significant (0-7), sub-threshold insomnia (8-14), moderate insomnia (15-21), and severe insomnia (22-28).

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Sleep Questionnaires/Sleep Disturbance
fosq_1100 Functional Outcomes of Sleep: Summary Score

Summary Score of Functional Outcomes of Sleep Questionnaire. Range from 5 to 20. A higher score indicate better functional outcomes. Weaver et. al, 1997 (Pubmed ID: 9415942)

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Sleep Questionnaires/Sleep Disturbance/Functional Outcomes of Sleep Questionnaire (FOSQ)