Frequency child needs a special object to fall asleep (pacifier, doll, special blanket, etc.) in the past week
  • 0: Never, or less than once a week
  • 1: 1 night a week
  • 2: 2 nights a week
  • 3: 3 nights a week
  • 4: 4 nights a week
  • 5: 5 nights a week
  • 6: 6 nights a week
  • 7: Every night of the week
Frequency child needs a special object to fall asleep (pacifier, doll, special blanket, etc.) in the past week vs Study Visit
Intake Visit 1 Visit 2 Visit 3 Visit 4
Total 433 433 433 433 433
Never, or less than once a week - 384 259 193 150
1 night a week - 1 6 4 6
2 nights a week - 1 2 2 7
3 nights a week - 2 3 5 1
4 nights a week - 1 1 1 1
5 nights a week - - 2 4 -
6 nights a week - - - 3 -
Every night of the week - 9 34 128 162
Unknown 433 35 126 93 106