Indicates whether the subject's age (in years) used during date obfuscation is greater than 89 years

Harmonized by the NSRR team to align with TOPMed and BioDataCatalyst standards. Source: age_at_sleep_study_days

  • no: no
  • yes: yes
Indicates whether the subject's age (in years) used during date obfuscation is greater than 89 years vs Encounter number
First overnight sleep study
Total 3,673
no 3,673
yes -
Indicates whether the subject's age (in years) used during date obfuscation is greater than 89 years vs Subject sex
First overnight sleep study
female male unknown Total
Total 1,604 2,068 1 3,673
no 1,604 2,068 1 3,673
yes - - - -
Indicates whether the subject's age (in years) used during date obfuscation is greater than 89 years vs Subject race
First overnight sleep study
white american indian or alaska native black or african american asian native hawaiian or other pacific islander hispanic multiple other unknown not reported not allowed to collect Total
Total 2,433 3 738 93 5 - 277 - 115 9 - 3,673
no 2,433 3 738 93 5 - 277 - 115 9 - 3,673
yes - - - - - - - - - - - -
Indicates whether the subject's age (in years) used during date obfuscation is greater than 89 years vs Subject ethnicity
First overnight sleep study
hispanic or latino not hispanic or latino not reported unknown Total
Total 186 3,446 3 38 3,673
no 186 3,446 3 38 3,673
yes - - - - -