Related Variables

bmi_offset Difference between date of body mass index (BMI) measurement and sleep test

Derived using dates from the MEASUREMENT.CSV and SLEEP_STUDY.CSV data files.

bmipct Body mass index (BMI) percentile

The NSRR team extracted values from the MEASUREMENT.CSV file and kept the value closest to the time of the sleep study. Reference: :bmipct_offset:

bmipct_offset Difference between date of body mass index (BMI) percentile measurement and sleep test

Derived using dates from the MEASUREMENT.CSV and SLEEP_STUDY.CSV data files.

nsrr_bmi Body mass index (BMI)

Harmonized by the NSRR team to align with TOPMed and BioDataCatalyst standards. Source: :bmi:

nsrr_bmipct Body mass index (BMI) percentile

Harmonized by the NSRR team to align with TOPMed and BioDataCatalyst standards. Source: :bmipct:
