
Doze Off Situations: In a car, while stopped in traffic vs Visit Number
Baseline Sueño Ancillary
Total 16,415 -
No chance of dozing 11,873 -
Slight chance of dozing 1,176 -
Moderate chance of dozing 456 -
High chance of dozing 353 -
DK/Refuse 3 -
Unknown 2,554 -
Doze Off Situations: In a car, while stopped in traffic vs Gender
Female Male Total
Total 8,358 5,797 14,155
No chance of dozing 7,043 4,830 11,873
Slight chance of dozing 657 519 1,176
Moderate chance of dozing 256 200 456
High chance of dozing 237 116 353
DK/Refuse 1 2 3
Unknown 164 130 294