Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting, inactive in a public place
  • 0: No chance of dozing
  • 1: Slight chance of dozing
  • 2: Moderate chance of dozing
  • 3: High chance of dozing
  • -1: Accidental skip
  • -2: Does Not Apply
  • -3: Refused by Subject
  • -4: Excluded
  • -5: Withdrawn
  • -6: Dropped
  • -7: Disqualified
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting, inactive in a public place vs Visit (Number)
Baseline (BL) Clinical Evaluation (CE) Diagnostic Visit (DX) CPAP Titration Visit (CPAP) Two Month Post-CPAP Neurocognitive Visit (2M) Four Month Post-CPAP Neurocognitive Visit (4M) Six Month Post-CPAP Neurocognitive Visit (6M)
Total 1,516 1,516 1,516 1,516 1,516 1,516 1,516
No chance of dozing 393 390 386 381 377 401 393
Slight chance of dozing 579 582 460 371 329 290 316
Moderate chance of dozing 372 372 291 237 147 112 120
High chance of dozing 159 159 96 69 25 25 23
Accidental skip 2 2 1 - 1 2 -
Refused by Subject 1 1 - - 23 - -
Excluded - - - - 268 - 268
Withdrawn - - - - 143 - 143
Dropped - - - - 190 - 234
Disqualified - - - - 13 - 19
Unknown 10 10 282 458 - 686 -
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting, inactive in a public place vs Gender
Baseline (BL)
Male Female Total
Total 958 558 1,516
No chance of dozing 237 156 393
Slight chance of dozing 387 192 579
Moderate chance of dozing 235 137 372
High chance of dozing 92 67 159
Accidental skip 1 1 2
Refused by Subject - 1 1
Unknown 6 4 10
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting, inactive in a public place vs Gender
Clinical Evaluation (CE)
Male Female Total
Total 958 558 1,516
No chance of dozing 235 155 390
Slight chance of dozing 390 192 582
Moderate chance of dozing 235 137 372
High chance of dozing 91 68 159
Accidental skip 1 1 2
Refused by Subject - 1 1
Unknown 6 4 10
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting, inactive in a public place vs Gender
Diagnostic Visit (DX)
Male Female Total
Total 958 558 1,516
No chance of dozing 232 154 386
Slight chance of dozing 310 150 460
Moderate chance of dozing 196 95 291
High chance of dozing 50 46 96
Accidental skip - 1 1
Unknown 170 112 282
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting, inactive in a public place vs Gender
CPAP Titration Visit (CPAP)
Male Female Total
Total 958 558 1,516
No chance of dozing 251 130 381
Slight chance of dozing 251 120 371
Moderate chance of dozing 155 82 237
High chance of dozing 41 28 69
Unknown 260 198 458
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting, inactive in a public place vs Gender
Two Month Post-CPAP Neurocognitive Visit (2M)
Male Female Total
Total 958 558 1,516
No chance of dozing 228 149 377
Slight chance of dozing 234 95 329
Moderate chance of dozing 96 51 147
High chance of dozing 12 13 25
Accidental skip 1 - 1
Refused by Subject 18 5 23
Excluded 156 112 268
Withdrawn 79 64 143
Dropped 126 64 190
Disqualified 8 5 13
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting, inactive in a public place vs Gender
Four Month Post-CPAP Neurocognitive Visit (4M)
Male Female Total
Total 958 558 1,516
No chance of dozing 258 143 401
Slight chance of dozing 197 93 290
Moderate chance of dozing 70 42 112
High chance of dozing 14 11 25
Accidental skip - 2 2
Unknown 419 267 686
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting, inactive in a public place vs Gender
Six Month Post-CPAP Neurocognitive Visit (6M)
Male Female Total
Total 958 558 1,516
No chance of dozing 242 151 393
Slight chance of dozing 214 102 316
Moderate chance of dozing 84 36 120
High chance of dozing 13 10 23
Excluded 156 112 268
Withdrawn 79 64 143
Dropped 157 77 234
Disqualified 13 6 19
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting, inactive in a public place vs Race/Ethnicity
Baseline (BL)
Native American Asian Black Hispanic White Other Total
Total 28 89 172 116 1,102 9 1,516
No chance of dozing 7 17 39 30 296 4 393
Slight chance of dozing 11 31 54 44 436 3 579
Moderate chance of dozing 9 32 46 27 258 - 372
High chance of dozing 1 9 31 14 102 2 159
Accidental skip - - 1 - 1 - 2
Refused by Subject - - - - 1 - 1
Unknown - - 1 1 8 - 10
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting, inactive in a public place vs Race/Ethnicity
Clinical Evaluation (CE)
Native American Asian Black Hispanic White Other Total
Total 28 89 172 116 1,102 9 1,516
No chance of dozing 7 17 39 30 293 4 390
Slight chance of dozing 11 32 53 45 438 3 582
Moderate chance of dozing 9 31 47 26 259 - 372
High chance of dozing 1 9 31 14 102 2 159
Accidental skip - - 1 - 1 - 2
Refused by Subject - - - - 1 - 1
Unknown - - 1 1 8 - 10
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting, inactive in a public place vs Race/Ethnicity
Diagnostic Visit (DX)
Native American Asian Black Hispanic White Other Total
Total 28 89 172 116 1,102 9 1,516
No chance of dozing 6 17 38 27 294 4 386
Slight chance of dozing 7 26 36 29 360 2 460
Moderate chance of dozing 5 22 29 23 211 1 291
High chance of dozing 1 9 19 5 61 1 96
Accidental skip - - - - 1 - 1
Unknown 9 15 50 32 175 1 282
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting, inactive in a public place vs Race/Ethnicity
CPAP Titration Visit (CPAP)
Native American Asian Black Hispanic White Other Total
Total 28 89 172 116 1,102 9 1,516
No chance of dozing 6 20 26 27 299 3 381
Slight chance of dozing 5 19 38 26 281 2 371
Moderate chance of dozing 5 13 24 13 182 - 237
High chance of dozing - 7 8 6 48 - 69
Unknown 12 30 76 44 292 4 458
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting, inactive in a public place vs Race/Ethnicity
Two Month Post-CPAP Neurocognitive Visit (2M)
Native American Asian Black Hispanic White Other Total
Total 28 89 172 116 1,102 9 1,516
No chance of dozing 6 20 26 30 294 1 377
Slight chance of dozing 5 18 28 22 255 1 329
Moderate chance of dozing 2 8 15 11 110 1 147
High chance of dozing - 2 7 2 14 - 25
Accidental skip - 1 - - - - 1
Refused by Subject 2 2 3 1 15 - 23
Excluded 6 18 49 24 167 4 268
Withdrawn 4 10 20 15 94 - 143
Dropped 3 9 21 10 145 2 190
Disqualified - 1 3 1 8 - 13
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting, inactive in a public place vs Race/Ethnicity
Four Month Post-CPAP Neurocognitive Visit (4M)
Native American Asian Black Hispanic White Other Total
Total 28 89 172 116 1,102 9 1,516
No chance of dozing 5 19 29 27 320 1 401
Slight chance of dozing 2 18 28 17 225 - 290
Moderate chance of dozing 3 11 11 13 72 2 112
High chance of dozing - - 4 - 21 - 25
Accidental skip - - - - 2 - 2
Unknown 18 41 100 59 462 6 686
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting, inactive in a public place vs Race/Ethnicity
Six Month Post-CPAP Neurocognitive Visit (6M)
Native American Asian Black Hispanic White Other Total
Total 28 89 172 116 1,102 9 1,516
No chance of dozing 4 20 33 26 309 1 393
Slight chance of dozing 6 20 27 22 239 2 316
Moderate chance of dozing 3 10 13 10 84 - 120
High chance of dozing - - 2 3 18 - 23
Excluded 6 18 49 24 167 4 268
Withdrawn 4 10 20 15 94 - 143
Dropped 5 10 25 14 178 2 234
Disqualified - 1 3 2 13 - 19