
Insomnia Severity Index: Sleep problem intereferes with daily functioning vs Cross-Sectional Survey
Cross-Sectional Survey
Total 971
Not at all interfering 293
A little 375
Somewhat 194
Much 74
Very much interfering 35
Insomnia Severity Index: Sleep problem intereferes with daily functioning vs What is your sex?
Cross-Sectional Survey
Male Female Total
Total 258 713 971
Not at all interfering 93 200 293
A little 96 279 375
Somewhat 41 153 194
Much 16 58 74
Very much interfering 12 23 35
Insomnia Severity Index: Sleep problem intereferes with daily functioning vs What is your race (select all that apply)?
Cross-Sectional Survey
White / Caucasian Black / African American Native American / Alaska Native Multiracial Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander Asian American Total
Total 746 45 20 58 4 98 971
Not at all interfering 229 15 2 17 2 28 293
A little 289 13 9 24 1 39 375
Somewhat 146 11 5 12 - 20 194
Much 57 2 1 4 - 10 74
Very much interfering 25 4 3 1 1 1 35