Insomnia Severity Index: How noticeable to others is sleep problem impacting quality of life

Item from Insomnia Severity Index. Morin (1993)

Original question: Please rate the following symptoms for the past two (2) weeks.
-Difficulty falling asleep

Search for all ISI variables within this dataset

  • 0: Not at all noticeable
  • 1: A little
  • 2: Somewhat
  • 3: Much
  • 4: Very much noticeable
Insomnia Severity Index: How noticeable to others is sleep problem impacting quality of life vs Cross-Sectional Survey
Cross-Sectional Survey
Total 971
Not at all noticeable 389
A little 284
Somewhat 201
Much 59
Very much noticeable 38
Insomnia Severity Index: How noticeable to others is sleep problem impacting quality of life vs What is your sex?
Cross-Sectional Survey
Male Female Total
Total 258 713 971
Not at all noticeable 109 280 389
A little 71 213 284
Somewhat 51 150 201
Much 19 40 59
Very much noticeable 8 30 38
Insomnia Severity Index: How noticeable to others is sleep problem impacting quality of life vs What is your race (select all that apply)?
Cross-Sectional Survey
White / Caucasian Black / African American Native American / Alaska Native Multiracial Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander Asian American Total
Total 746 45 20 58 4 98 971
Not at all noticeable 304 20 8 18 1 38 389
A little 218 10 7 20 2 27 284
Somewhat 155 10 3 8 - 25 201
Much 40 2 2 8 1 6 59
Very much noticeable 29 3 - 4 - 2 38