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Blog | Guest Blogger

Arousal Burden is Linked with Long-Term Cardiovascular and All-Cause Mortality

Guest Blogger: Mattias Baumert What is the problem being addressed? Our objective was to quantify the burden of cortical arousals throughout sleep and determine its association with long-term cardiovascular (CV) and overall mortality. What was the approach to solving the problem? We quantified arousal burden (AB) as the cumulative duration of all arousal events relative to total sleep time in three large cohort studies. Keep reading

By michaelprerau on June 16, 2021 Jun 16, 2021 in Guest Blogger

Improving clinical trials with propensity score weighting

In an effort to highlight new and exciting work related to the NSRR, we are featuring guest blog posts from authors who have recently published using NSRR data. The following references: Zeng S, Li F, Wang R, Li F. Propensity score weighting for covariate adjustment in randomized clinical trials. Statistics in Medicine. 2020;1–17. https://doi.org/10.1002/sim.8805 Please contact support@sleepdata.org if you have new work you would like to share in a guest blog post. Keep reading

By NSRR on January 5, 2021 Jan 5, 2021 in Guest Blogger