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Sleep Health in Infancy and Early Childhood

Name Label Folder
Breast feeding mode/categories
Breast feeding mode/categories Lifestyle and Behavioral Health
Child has ever been breastfed
Child has ever been breastfed Lifestyle and Behavioral Health
Number of times child usually fed breast milk in a 24-hour period (in the past week)
Number of times child usually fed breast milk in a 24-hour period (in the past week) Lifestyle and Behavioral Health
Child's age when started in childcare
Child's age when started in childcare Lifestyle and Behavioral Health
Hours the child spent in childcare in the past 7 days
Hours the child spent in childcare in the past 7 days

Participants answered this question only if they answered "Yes" to childcare_mom_v1.

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health
Child's age when stopped breastfeeding
Child's age when stopped breastfeeding

See feed1time_mom for units

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health
Units for child's age when stopped breastfeeding
Units for child's age when stopped breastfeeding

Units for variable: feed1_mom

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health
Mother smoked any cigarettes during pregnancy
Mother smoked any cigarettes during pregnancy Lifestyle and Behavioral Health
Child is still breastfeeding at all
Child is still breastfeeding at all Lifestyle and Behavioral Health
Age introduced solid foods to the child
Age introduced solid foods to the child Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Diet
First solid food introduced
First solid food introduced

See firstsolidfoodother_mom if 'Other'

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Diet
First solid food introduced (if 'other')
First solid food introduced (if 'other')

Other' for variable: firstsolidfood_mom

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Diet
The baby has been fed any food since birth (not including breastmilk or formula)
The baby has been fed any food since birth (not including breastmilk or formula) Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Diet
Time units for age of baby receiving solid food
Time units for age of baby receiving solid food

Units for variable: solidfoodage_mom

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Diet
Child's age when first fed any solid food (such as baby cereal, fruits, vegetables, yogurt - or anything besides breast milk or formula)
Child's age when first fed any solid food (such as baby cereal, fruits, vegetables, yogurt - or anything besides breast milk or formula)

See solidfoodagedw_mom for units

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Diet
How much the baby cries in comparison with others of the same age, since birth
How much the baby cries in comparison with others of the same age, since birth Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Frequency of the baby screaming
Frequency of the baby screaming

Participants answered this question only if they answered "Yes" to babyscream_mom

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
The baby has ever had times when they appears to be in agony, screams, draws their legs up to their body, and can't be calmed
The baby has ever had times when they appears to be in agony, screams, draws their legs up to their body, and can't be calmed Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child has trouble adjusting to new people (such as a babysitter, teacher, friend, or daycare worker)
Child has trouble adjusting to new people (such as a babysitter, teacher, friend, or daycare worker)

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Reacciona de manera exagerada antes los problemas pequeños

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child becomes upset too easily
Child becomes upset too easily

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Tiene dificultades para adaptarse a personas desconocidas (como una niñera, un maestro, un nuevo amigo o un trabajador de la guardería infantil)

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child has trouble concentrating on games, puzzles, or play activities
Child has trouble concentrating on games, puzzles, or play activities

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Se altera con demasiada facilidad

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child has to be more closely supervised than similar playmates
Child has to be more closely supervised than similar playmates

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Tiene dificultades para concentrarse en los juegos, los rompecabezas o las actividades relacionadas con el juego

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
When sent to get something, forgets what he/she is supposed to get
When sent to get something, forgets what he/she is supposed to get

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Es necesario supervisarlo más que a sus amiguitos de la misma edad

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child is upset by a change in plans or routine (for example, order of daily activities, adding last minute errands to schedule, change in driving routine to store)
Child is upset by a change in plans or routine (for example, order of daily activities, adding last minute errands to schedule, change in driving routine to store)

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Cuando se le pide que traiga algo, se olvida de qué es lo que debía traer

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child has outbursts for little reason
Child has outbursts for little reason

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Se altera si hay un cambio en los planes o las actividades habituales (por ejemplo, si cambia el orden de las actividades diarias, si se agregan mandados de último minuto a lo que se había programado o si se toma un camino distinto del acostumbrado para ir a una tienda)

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child repeats the same mistake over and over even after help is given
Child repeats the same mistake over and over even after help is given

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Le dan arrebatos sin mucha razón

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child acts wilder or sillier than others in the group (i.e. birthday parties, playgroups)
Child acts wilder or sillier than others in the group (i.e. birthday parties, playgroups)

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Comete el mismo error una y otra vez, incluso después de que se ha brindado ayuda

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child cannot find clothes, shoes, toys or books even when he/she has been given specific instructions
Child cannot find clothes, shoes, toys or books even when he/she has been given specific instructions

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Es más hiperactivo o necio que los demás niños del grupo (por ejemplo, en fiestas de cumpleaños o cuando juegan en grupo

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child overreacts to small problems
Child overreacts to small problems

Maternal Reported

Spanish: No logra encontrar la ropa, los zapatos, los juguetes o los libros, incluso cuando se le han dado instrucciones específicas.

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child takes a long time to feel comfortable in new places or situations (such as visiting distant relatives or new friends)
Child takes a long time to feel comfortable in new places or situations (such as visiting distant relatives or new friends)

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Cuando se le dan dos cosas para hacer, recuerda únicamente la primera o la última

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Childs mood changes frequently
Childs mood changes frequently

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Tarda mucho tiempo en acostumbrarse a lugares o situaciones desconocidas (como en las visitas a parientes lejanos o a nuevas amistades)

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child makes silly mistakes on things he/she can do
Child makes silly mistakes on things he/she can do

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Tiene cambios frecuentes de humor

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child is fidgety, restless, or squirmy
Child is fidgety, restless, or squirmy

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Comete errores tontos en cosas que sabe hacer

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child has trouble following established routines for sleeping, eating, or play activities
Child has trouble following established routines for sleeping, eating, or play activities

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Es inquieto, impaciente o se mueve mucho

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child is bothered by loud noises, bright lights, or certain smells
Child is bothered by loud noises, bright lights, or certain smells

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Tiene dificultades para realizar las actividades habituales relacionadas con la hora de dormir, las comidas o el juego

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Small events trigger big reactions in the child
Small events trigger big reactions in the child

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Le molestan los ruidos fuertes, las luces intensas o ciertos olores

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child has trouble with activities or tasks that have more than one step
Child has trouble with activities or tasks that have more than one step

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Las cosas sin importancia le provocan reacciones desmedidas

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child is impulsive
Child is impulsive

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Tiene dificultades para realizar tareas o actividades que requieren más de un paso

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child has trouble thinking of a different way to solve a problem or complete an activity when stuck
Child has trouble thinking of a different way to solve a problem or complete an activity when stuck

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Es impulsivo

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child when given two things to do, remembers only the first or last
Child when given two things to do, remembers only the first or last

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Cuando se queda atascado, tiene dificultades para pensar en cómo resolver un problema o terminar una actividad de manera diferente

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child is disturbed by changes in the environment (such as new furniture, things in room moved around, or new clothes)
Child is disturbed by changes in the environment (such as new furniture, things in room moved around, or new clothes)

Maternal Reported

Spanish: No se da cuenta de cómo su comportamiento afecta o molesta a los demás

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child's angry or tearful outbursts are intense but end suddenly
Child's angry or tearful outbursts are intense but end suddenly

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Le molestan los cambios en su entorno (como muebles nuevos, cosas que han cambiado de lugar en la habitación o ropa nueva)

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child needs help from an adult to stay on task
Child needs help from an adult to stay on task

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Tiene arranques intensos de ira o de llanto, pero estos terminan repentinamente

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child does not notice when his/her behavior causes negative reactions
Child does not notice when his/her behavior causes negative reactions

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Necesita la ayuda de un adulto para concentrarse cuando está realizando una tarea

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child leaves messes that others have to clean up even after instruction
Child leaves messes that others have to clean up even after instruction

Maternal Reported

Spanish: No se da cuenta cuando su comportamiento provoca reacciones negativas

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child has trouble changing activities
Child has trouble changing activities

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Deja en desorden cosas que otros tienen que arreglar, incluso después de que se le ha ordenado arreglarlas

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child reacts more strongly to situations than other children
Child reacts more strongly to situations than other children

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Tiene dificultades para cambiar de actividad

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child forgets what he/she is doing in middle of an activity
Child forgets what he/she is doing in middle of an activity

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Reacciona ante las situaciones con mayor intensidad que los demás niños

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child does not realize that certain actions bother others
Child does not realize that certain actions bother others

Maternal Reported

Spanish: En plena actividad, se olvida de lo que estaba haciendo

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child gets caught up in the small details of a task or situation and misses the main idea
Child gets caught up in the small details of a task or situation and misses the main idea

Maternal Reported

Spanish: No se da cuenta de que algunas acciones molestan a los demás

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child is unaware of how his/her behavior affects or bothers others
Child is unaware of how his/her behavior affects or bothers others

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Queda atrapado en los detalles sin importancia de una tarea o situación, y pierde de vista la idea central

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child has trouble "joining in" at unfamiliar social events (such as birthday parties, picnics, holiday gatherings)
Child has trouble "joining in" at unfamiliar social events (such as birthday parties, picnics, holiday gatherings)

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Cuando se le ordena recoger sus cosas, las guarda de manera desorganizada y desordenada

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child is easily overwhelmed or overstimulated by typical daily activities
Child is easily overwhelmed or overstimulated by typical daily activities

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Tiene dificultades para "adaptarse" en los eventos sociales que no le son familiares (como las fiestas de cumpleaños, los picnics y las reuniones de ocasiones festivas)

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child has trouble finishing tasks (such as games, puzzles, pretend play activities)
Child has trouble finishing tasks (such as games, puzzles, pretend play activities)

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Las actividades cotidianas comunes lo abruman o lo hiperestimulan con facilidad

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child gets out of control more than playmates
Child gets out of control more than playmates

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Tiene dificultades para terminar tareas (como juegos, rompecabezas y actividades relacionadas con el juego imaginativo)

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child cannot find things in room or play area even when given specific instructions
Child cannot find things in room or play area even when given specific instructions

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Pierde el control más que sus amiguitos

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child resists change of routine, foods, places, etc.
Child resists change of routine, foods, places, etc.

Maternal Reported

Spanish: No puede encontrar cosas en una habitación o zona de juego aunque le hayan dado instrucciones específicas

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
After having a problem, the child will stay disappointed for a long time
After having a problem, the child will stay disappointed for a long time

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Se resiste a los cambios de rutina, alimentos, lugares, etc.

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child cannot stay on topic when talking
Child cannot stay on topic when talking

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Después de haber tenido un problema, queda fastidiado por mucho tiempo

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child talks or plays too loudly
Child talks or plays too loudly

Maternal Reported

Spanish: No puede concentrarse en el tema de la conversación

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child does not complete tasks even after given directions
Child does not complete tasks even after given directions

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Es muy bullicioso para hablar o para jugar

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
When instructed to clean up, the child puts things away in a disorganized, random way
When instructed to clean up, the child puts things away in a disorganized, random way

Maternal Reported

Spanish: No termina las tareas, incluso después de haber recibido instrucciones

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child acts overwhelmed or overstimulated in crowded, busy situations (such as lots of noise, activity, or people)
Child acts overwhelmed or overstimulated in crowded, busy situations (such as lots of noise, activity, or people)

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Se altera frente a situaciones nuevas

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child has trouble getting started on activities or tasks even after instructed
Child has trouble getting started on activities or tasks even after instructed

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Las situaciones en que hay mucha gente, mucho ruido o demasiada actividad lo abruman o lo ponen hiperactivo

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child acts too wild or out of control
Child acts too wild or out of control

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Tiene dificultades para comenzar actividades o tareas, incluso después de haber recibido instrucciones

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child does not try as hard as his/her ability on activities
Child does not try as hard as his/her ability on activities

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Actúa desenfrenadamente o sin control

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child has trouble putting the brakes on his/her actions even after being asked
Child has trouble putting the brakes on his/her actions even after being asked

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Al realizar actividades no se esfuerza lo suficiente para su capacidad

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child is unable to finish describing an event, person, or story
Child is unable to finish describing an event, person, or story

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Tiene dificultades para refrenarse, incluso después de que se le ha pedido que lo haga

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child completes tasks or activities too quickly
Child completes tasks or activities too quickly

Maternal Reported

Spanish: No puede terminar de explicar un hecho, de describir a una persona o de contar un cuento

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child is unaware when he/she does well and not well
Child is unaware when he/she does well and not well

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Termina las tareas o actividades con demasiada rapidez

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child gets sidetracked during activities
Child gets sidetracked during activities

Maternal Reported

Spanish: No se da cuenta cuando hace las cosas bien ni cuando las hace mal

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child has trouble remembering something, even after a brief period of time
Child has trouble remembering something, even after a brief period of time

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Se distrae con facilidad durante las actividades

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child becomes upset with new situations
Child becomes upset with new situations

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Tiene dificultades para recordar las cosas, incluso cuando ha transcurrido muy poco tiempo

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child becomes too silly
Child becomes too silly

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Tiene arranques explosivos de ira

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child has a short attention span
Child has a short attention span

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Se pone demasiado necio

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child plays carelessly or recklessly in situations where he/she could be hurt (such as playground, swimming pool)
Child plays carelessly or recklessly in situations where he/she could be hurt (such as playground, swimming pool)

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Su capacidad de concentración es muy baja

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child is unaware when he/she performs a task right or wrong
Child is unaware when he/she performs a task right or wrong

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Juega de manera descuidada o imprudente en situaciones en las que podría hacerse daño (por ejemplo, en la zona de columpios y toboganes o en la piscina)

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child has explosive, angry outbursts
Child has explosive, angry outbursts

Maternal Reported

Spanish: No se da cuenta cuando realiza bien o mal una tarea

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child has trouble carrying out the actions needed to complete tasks (such as trying one puzzle piece at a time, cleaning up to earn a reward)
Child has trouble carrying out the actions needed to complete tasks (such as trying one puzzle piece at a time, cleaning up to earn a reward)

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Tiene dificultades para llevar a cabo las acciones necesarias para terminar tareas (como colocar una pieza del rompecabezas a la vez u ordenar para recibir una recompensa)

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child does not stop laughing at funny things or events when others stop
Child does not stop laughing at funny things or events when others stop

Maternal Reported

Spanish: No deja de reírse de las cosas o situaciones graciosas cuando los demás han dejado de hacerlo

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Child needs to be told to begin a task even when willing to do it
Child needs to be told to begin a task even when willing to do it

Maternal Reported

Spanish: Es necesario ordenarle que empiece a hacer una tarea, incluso cuando está dispuesto a hacerla

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Baby cries a lot
Baby cries a lot

Maternal reported

Question from the BSPC (Baby Pediatric Symptom Checklist) Scheldrick et. al, 2012 (Pubmed ID: 23092547)

Search for all Baby Peadiatric Symptom Checklist variables within this dataset

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Baby has a hard time calming down
Baby has a hard time calming down

Maternal reported

Question from the BSPC (Baby Pediatric Symptom Checklist) Scheldrick et. al, 2012 (Pubmed ID: 23092547)

Search for all Baby Peadiatric Symptom Checklist variables within this dataset

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
Baby is fussy or irritable
Baby is fussy or irritable

Maternal reported

Question from the BSPC (Baby Pediatric Symptom Checklist) Scheldrick et. al, 2012 (Pubmed ID: 23092547)

Search for all Baby Peadiatric Symptom Checklist variables within this dataset

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
It is hard to comfort the child
It is hard to comfort the child

Maternal reported

Question from the BSPC (Baby Pediatric Symptom Checklist) Scheldrick et. al, 2012 (Pubmed ID: 23092547)

Search for all Baby Peadiatric Symptom Checklist variables within this dataset

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
It is hard to keep the baby on a schedule or routine
It is hard to keep the baby on a schedule or routine

Maternal reported

Question from the BSPC (Baby Pediatric Symptom Checklist) Scheldrick et. al, 2012 (Pubmed ID: 23092547)

Search for all Baby Peadiatric Symptom Checklist variables within this dataset

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
It is hard to put the baby to sleep
It is hard to put the baby to sleep

Maternal reported

Question from the BSPC (Baby Pediatric Symptom Checklist) Scheldrick et. al, 2012 (Pubmed ID: 23092547)

Search for all Baby Peadiatric Symptom Checklist variables within this dataset

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
It is hard to get enough sleep because of the baby
It is hard to get enough sleep because of the baby

Maternal reported

Question from the BSPC (Baby Pediatric Symptom Checklist) Scheldrick et. al, 2012 (Pubmed ID: 23092547)

Search for all Baby Peadiatric Symptom Checklist variables within this dataset

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
The baby has trouble staying asleep
The baby has trouble staying asleep

Maternal reported

Question from the BSPC (Baby Pediatric Symptom Checklist) Scheldrick et. al, 2012 (Pubmed ID: 23092547)

Search for all Baby Peadiatric Symptom Checklist variables within this dataset

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
It is hard to put the child to sleep
It is hard to put the child to sleep

Maternal reported

Question from the BSPC (Baby Pediatric Symptom Checklist) Scheldrick et. al, 2012 (Pubmed ID: 23092547)

Search for all Baby Peadiatric Symptom Checklist variables within this dataset

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
It is hard to get enough sleep because of the child
It is hard to get enough sleep because of the child

Maternal reported

Question from the BSPC (Baby Pediatric Symptom Checklist) Scheldrick et. al, 2012 (Pubmed ID: 23092547)

Search for all Baby Peadiatric Symptom Checklist variables within this dataset

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
The child has trouble staying asleep
The child has trouble staying asleep

Maternal reported

Question from the BSPC (Baby Pediatric Symptom Checklist) Scheldrick et. al, 2012 (Pubmed ID: 23092547)

Search for all Baby Peadiatric Symptom Checklist variables within this dataset

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
The child has a hard time being with new people
The child has a hard time being with new people

Maternal reported

Question from the BSPC (Baby Pediatric Symptom Checklist) Scheldrick et. al, 2012 (Pubmed ID: 23092547)

Search for all Baby Peadiatric Symptom Checklist variables within this dataset

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
The child has a hard time in new places
The child has a hard time in new places

Maternal reported

Question from the BSPC (Baby Pediatric Symptom Checklist) Scheldrick et. al, 2012 (Pubmed ID: 23092547)

Search for all Baby Peadiatric Symptom Checklist variables within this dataset

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
The child has a hard time with change
The child has a hard time with change

Maternal reported

Question from the BSPC (Baby Pediatric Symptom Checklist) Scheldrick et. al, 2012 (Pubmed ID: 23092547)

Search for all Baby Peadiatric Symptom Checklist variables within this dataset

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
The child minds being held by other people
The child minds being held by other people

Maternal reported

Question from the BSPC (Baby Pediatric Symptom Checklist) Scheldrick et. al, 2012 (Pubmed ID: 23092547)

Search for all Baby Peadiatric Symptom Checklist variables within this dataset

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
The child cries a lot
The child cries a lot

Maternal reported

Question from the BSPC (Baby Pediatric Symptom Checklist) Scheldrick et. al, 2012 (Pubmed ID: 23092547)

Search for all Baby Peadiatric Symptom Checklist variables within this dataset

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
The child has a hard time calming down
The child has a hard time calming down

Maternal reported

Question from the BSPC (Baby Pediatric Symptom Checklist) Scheldrick et. al, 2012 (Pubmed ID: 23092547)

Search for all Baby Peadiatric Symptom Checklist variables within this dataset

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
The child is fussy or irritable
The child is fussy or irritable

Maternal reported

Question from the BSPC (Baby Pediatric Symptom Checklist) Scheldrick et. al, 2012 (Pubmed ID: 23092547)

Search for all Baby Peadiatric Symptom Checklist variables within this dataset

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health
It is hard to comfort the child
It is hard to comfort the child

Maternal reported

Question from the BSPC (Baby Pediatric Symptom Checklist) Scheldrick et. al, 2012 (Pubmed ID: 23092547)

Search for all Baby Peadiatric Symptom Checklist variables within this dataset

Lifestyle and Behavioral Health/Infant and Child Behavioral Health