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Pediatric Adenotonsillectomy Trial of Snoring

Name Label Folder
Form date
Form date

Calendar dates were shifted by a random amount of days as part of the data de-identification process. All calendar dates for a given subject have been offset by the same amount of days.

Sleep Monitoring/Polysomnography/Evening and Morning Survey
LAST NIGHT did your child's bed time, wake time or overall sleep period vary from their normal routine
LAST NIGHT did your child's bed time, wake time or overall sleep period vary from their normal routine Sleep Monitoring/Polysomnography/Evening and Morning Survey
How many hours more or less was your child's sleep period last night compared to their normal routine
How many hours more or less was your child's sleep period last night compared to their normal routine

Required to answer only if "shq_sleep_vary" = 1: Yes

Sleep Monitoring/Polysomnography/Evening and Morning Survey
Was it more or less hours
Was it more or less hours

Required to answer only if "shq_sleep_vary" = 1: Yes

Sleep Monitoring/Polysomnography/Evening and Morning Survey