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Pediatric Adenotonsillectomy Trial of Snoring

Name Label Folder
Body mass index (BMI)
Body mass index (BMI)

Harmonized by the NSRR team to align with TOPMed and BioDataCatalyst standards. Source: anthro_bmi

Diastolic blood pressure
Diastolic blood pressure

Average resting diastolic blood pressure of three measurements collected from the upper arm in a single clinic visit. In cases where either of the measurements was missing, the average was calculated discarding the missing value.

Harmonized by the NSRR team to align with TOPMed and BioDataCatalyst standards. Source: anthro_bp_dia_avg123

Harmonized/Clinical Data
Systolic blood pressure
Systolic blood pressure

Average resting systolic blood pressure of three measurements collected from the upper arm in a single clinic visit. In cases where either of the measurements was missing, the average was calculated discarding the missing value.

Harmonized by the NSRR team to align with TOPMed and BioDataCatalyst standards. Source: anthro_bp_sys_avg123

Harmonized/Clinical Data
Subject age
Subject age

Harmonized by the NSRR team to align with TOPMed and BioDataCatalyst standards. Source: anthro_age

Subject ethnicity
Subject ethnicity

Harmonized by the NSRR team to align with TOPMed and BioDataCatalyst standards. Source: demo_ethnicity

Subject race
Subject race

Harmonized by the NSRR team to align with TOPMed and BioDataCatalyst standards. Source: demo_race

Subject sex
Subject sex

Harmonized by the NSRR team to align with TOPMed and BioDataCatalyst standards. Source: demo_sex

Apnea-Hypopnea Index : (All apneas + hypopneas with >=30% nasal cannula [or alternative sensor] reduction and >= 3% oxygen desaturation or with arousal) / hour of sleep
Apnea-Hypopnea Index : (All apneas + hypopneas with >=30% nasal cannula [or alternative sensor] reduction and >= 3% oxygen desaturation or with arousal) / hour of sleep

Harmonized by the NSRR team.

The definition for hypopneas is consistent with the following clinical guidelines: (1) American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) 2007 Manual (2012 update) (recommended). Berry RB et al. 2012 (PubMed ID:23066376), and (2) American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) 2015 (recommended) [Berry RB et al. The AASM Manual for the Scoring of Sleep and Associated Events: Rules, Terminology and Technical Specifications, Version 2.2. American Academy of Sleep Medicine, Darien, IL, 2015.]

Refer to the source for detailed definition for respiratory events: psg_ahi_a0h3a

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Apnea-Hypopnea Indices
Apnea-Hypopnea Index : (All apneas + hypopneas with >= 3% oxygen desaturation) / hour of sleep
Apnea-Hypopnea Index : (All apneas + hypopneas with >= 3% oxygen desaturation) / hour of sleep

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Refer to the source for detailed definition for respiratory events: psg_ahi_a0h3

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Apnea-Hypopnea Indices
Apnea-Hypopnea Index : (All apneas + hypopneas with >= 4% oxygen desaturation or with arousal) / hour of sleep
Apnea-Hypopnea Index : (All apneas + hypopneas with >= 4% oxygen desaturation or with arousal) / hour of sleep

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Refer to the source for detailed definition for respiratory events: psg_ahi_a0h4a

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Apnea-Hypopnea Indices
Apnea-Hypopnea Index : (All apneas + hypopneas with >=30% nasal cannula [or alternative sensor] reduction with >= 4% oxygen desaturation) / hour of sleep
Apnea-Hypopnea Index : (All apneas + hypopneas with >=30% nasal cannula [or alternative sensor] reduction with >= 4% oxygen desaturation) / hour of sleep

Harmonized by the NSRR team.

The definition of hypopnea events is consistent with the following clinical guidelines: (1) AASM 2012 update (alternative) Berry RB et al. 2012 (PubMed ID:23066376), and (2) AASM 2015 (acceptable) [Berry RB et al. The AASM Manual for the Scoring of Sleep and Associated Events: Rules, Terminology and Technical Specifications, Version 2.2. American Academy of Sleep Medicine, Darien, IL, 2015.].

Refer to the source for detailed definition for respiratory events: psg_ahi_a0h4

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Apnea-Hypopnea Indices
Central Apnea Index: (Central apneas with no oxygen desaturation threshold used and with or without arousal) / hour of sleep
Central Apnea Index: (Central apneas with no oxygen desaturation threshold used and with or without arousal) / hour of sleep

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: psg_cai0p

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Apnea-Hypopnea Indices
Obstructive Apnea-Hypopnea Index : (Obstructive apneas + hypopneas with >=30% nasal cannula [or alternative sensor] reduction and >=3% oxygen desaturation or with arousal) / hour of sleep
Obstructive Apnea-Hypopnea Index : (Obstructive apneas + hypopneas with >=30% nasal cannula [or alternative sensor] reduction and >=3% oxygen desaturation or with arousal) / hour of sleep

Harmonized by the NSRR team.

The definition for hypopneas is consistent with the following clinical guidelines: (1) American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) 2007 Manual (2012 update) (recommended). Berry RB et al. 2012 (PubMed ID:23066376), and (2) American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) 2015 (recommended) [Berry RB et al. The AASM Manual for the Scoring of Sleep and Associated Events: Rules, Terminology and Technical Specifications, Version 2.2. American Academy of Sleep Medicine, Darien, IL, 2015.]

Refer to the source for detailed definition for respiratory events: psg_ahi_o0h3a

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Apnea-Hypopnea Indices
Obstructive Apnea-Hypopnea Index : (Obstructive apneas + hypopneas with >= 3% oxygen desaturation) / hour of sleep
Obstructive Apnea-Hypopnea Index : (Obstructive apneas + hypopneas with >= 3% oxygen desaturation) / hour of sleep

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: psg_oahi3

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Apnea-Hypopnea Indices
Obstructive Apnea-Hypopnea Index for supine sleep: (Obstructive apneas + hypopneas with >= 3% oxygen desaturation) / hour of sleep in supine position
Obstructive Apnea-Hypopnea Index for supine sleep: (Obstructive apneas + hypopneas with >= 3% oxygen desaturation) / hour of sleep in supine position

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: psg_ahi_o0h3_supine

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Apnea-Hypopnea Indices
Obstructive Apnea-Hypopnea Index for non-supine sleep: (Obstructive apneas + hypopneas with >= 3% oxygen desaturation) / hour of sleep in non-supine position
Obstructive Apnea-Hypopnea Index for non-supine sleep: (Obstructive apneas + hypopneas with >= 3% oxygen desaturation) / hour of sleep in non-supine position

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: psg_ahi_o0h3_nonsupine

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Apnea-Hypopnea Indices
Obstructive Apnea-Hypopnea Index for NREM sleep: (Obstructive apneas + hypopneas with >= 3% oxygen desaturation) / hour of NREM sleep
Obstructive Apnea-Hypopnea Index for NREM sleep: (Obstructive apneas + hypopneas with >= 3% oxygen desaturation) / hour of NREM sleep

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: psg_ahi_o0h3_nrem

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Apnea-Hypopnea Indices
Obstructive Apnea-Hypopnea Index for REM sleep: (Obstructive apneas + hypopneas with >= 3% oxygen desaturation) / hour of REM sleep
Obstructive Apnea-Hypopnea Index for REM sleep: (Obstructive apneas + hypopneas with >= 3% oxygen desaturation) / hour of REM sleep

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: psg_ahi_o0h3_rem

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Apnea-Hypopnea Indices
Obstructive Apnea-Hypopnea Index : (Obstructive apneas + hypopneas with >= 4% oxygen desaturation) / hour of sleep
Obstructive Apnea-Hypopnea Index : (Obstructive apneas + hypopneas with >= 4% oxygen desaturation) / hour of sleep

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: psg_oahi4

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Apnea-Hypopnea Indices
Obstructive Apnea-Hypopnea Index for supine sleep: (Obstructive apneas + hypopneas with >= 4% oxygen desaturation) / hour of sleep in supine position
Obstructive Apnea-Hypopnea Index for supine sleep: (Obstructive apneas + hypopneas with >= 4% oxygen desaturation) / hour of sleep in supine position

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: psg_ahi_o0h4_supine

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Apnea-Hypopnea Indices
Obstructive Apnea-Hypopnea Index for non-supine sleep: (Obstructive apneas + hypopneas with >= 4% oxygen desaturation) / hour of sleep in non-supine position
Obstructive Apnea-Hypopnea Index for non-supine sleep: (Obstructive apneas + hypopneas with >= 4% oxygen desaturation) / hour of sleep in non-supine position

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: psg_ahi_o0h4_nonsupine

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Apnea-Hypopnea Indices
Obstructive Apnea-Hypopnea Index for NREM sleep: (Obstructive apneas + hypopneas with >= 4% oxygen desaturation) / hour of NREM sleep
Obstructive Apnea-Hypopnea Index for NREM sleep: (Obstructive apneas + hypopneas with >= 4% oxygen desaturation) / hour of NREM sleep

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: psg_ahi_o0h4_nrem

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Apnea-Hypopnea Indices
Obstructive Apnea-Hypopnea Index for REM sleep: (Obstructive apneas + hypopneas with >= 4% oxygen desaturation) / hour of REM sleep
Obstructive Apnea-Hypopnea Index for REM sleep: (Obstructive apneas + hypopneas with >= 4% oxygen desaturation) / hour of REM sleep

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: psg_ahi_o0h4_rem

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Apnea-Hypopnea Indices
Obstructive Apnea Index: (Obstructive apneas with no oxygen desaturation threshold used and with or without arousal) / hour of sleep
Obstructive Apnea Index: (Obstructive apneas with no oxygen desaturation threshold used and with or without arousal) / hour of sleep

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: psg_oai0p

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Apnea-Hypopnea Indices
Arousal Index: Number of arousals per hour of sleep from polysomnography
Arousal Index: Number of arousals per hour of sleep from polysomnography

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: psg_ai_all

Average oxygen saturation in sleep
Average oxygen saturation in sleep

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: psg_avgsat

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Oxygen Saturation
Minimum oxygen saturation in sleep
Minimum oxygen saturation in sleep

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: psg_minsat

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Oxygen Saturation
Study scored sleep/wake rather than with full sleep staging if there is not sufficient quality on EEG lead. Studies scored as sleep wake have all sleep stages scored using a default of Stage 2 and no arousals are scored.
Study scored sleep/wake rather than with full sleep staging if there is not sufficient quality on EEG lead. Studies scored as sleep wake have all sleep stages scored using a default of Stage 2 and no arousals are scored.

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: psg_scored_sleep_wake_only

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Signal Quality
Lights-out or In-bed clock time from polysomnography
Lights-out or In-bed clock time from polysomnography

Conventionally, this variable would be called the start of time in bed (TIB).

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: psg_scloutp

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture
Sleep onset time from polysomnography
Sleep onset time from polysomnography

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: psg_stonset1

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture
Lights-on or out-bed clock time from polysomnography
Lights-on or out-bed clock time from polysomnography

Conventionally, this variable would be called the end of time in bed (TIB). In this dataset, it concurs with the last epoch of sleep.

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: psg_stlonp

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture
Percentage of total sleep duration (i.e., total sleep time, TST) in stage 1 from polysomnography
Percentage of total sleep duration (i.e., total sleep time, TST) in stage 1 from polysomnography

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: psg_timest1p

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture
Percentage of total sleep duration (i.e., total sleep time, TST) in stage 2 from polysomnography
Percentage of total sleep duration (i.e., total sleep time, TST) in stage 2 from polysomnography

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: psg_timest2p

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture
Percentage of total sleep duration (i.e., total sleep time, TST) in stage 3/4 from polysomnography
Percentage of total sleep duration (i.e., total sleep time, TST) in stage 3/4 from polysomnography

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: psg_times34p

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture
Percentage of total sleep duration (i.e., total sleep time, TST) in REM from polysomnography
Percentage of total sleep duration (i.e., total sleep time, TST) in REM from polysomnography

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: psg_timeremp

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture
Total In-bed Period: the interval between lights off/in-bed time and lights on/out-bed time from polysomnography
Total In-bed Period: the interval between lights off/in-bed time and lights on/out-bed time from polysomnography

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Conventionally, this would be called time in bed (TIB)

Source: psg_time_bed

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture
Total Sleep Duration: the interval between sleep onset and sleep offset while the participant is asleep from polysomnography
Total Sleep Duration: the interval between sleep onset and sleep offset while the participant is asleep from polysomnography

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Conventionally, this would be called total sleep time (TST) (i.e. total time spent in stage 1 or greater).

Source: psg_slp_time

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture
REM Sleep Latency: the interval between the first sleep epoch and REM sleep excluding wake
REM Sleep Latency: the interval between the first sleep epoch and REM sleep excluding wake

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: psg_rem_lat2

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture
Sleep Efficiency: the ratio of sleep duration (i.e., total sleep time) to in-bed period from polysomnography
Sleep Efficiency: the ratio of sleep duration (i.e., total sleep time) to in-bed period from polysomnography

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: psg_slp_eff

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture
Sleep Latency: the interval between lights-out/in-bed time and sleep onset from polysomnography
Sleep Latency: the interval between lights-out/in-bed time and sleep onset from polysomnography

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: psg_slp_lat

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture
Sleep Maintenance Efficiency: the proportion of total sleep duration (i.e., total sleep time) in sleep period (i.e., interval between sleep onset and offset including wake) from polysomnography
Sleep Maintenance Efficiency: the proportion of total sleep duration (i.e., total sleep time) in sleep period (i.e., interval between sleep onset and offset including wake) from polysomnography

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: psg_slp_maint_eff

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture
Total Sleep Period: the interval between sleep onset time and sleep offset time from polysomnography
Total Sleep Period: the interval between sleep onset time and sleep offset time from polysomnography

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: psg_slp_period

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture
REM Sleep Latency: the interval between the first sleep epoch and REM sleep including wake
REM Sleep Latency: the interval between the first sleep epoch and REM sleep including wake

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: psg_rem_lat1

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture
Wake After Sleep Onset: the total duration being awake between sleep onset and lights-on/out-bed time from polysomnography
Wake After Sleep Onset: the total duration being awake between sleep onset and lights-on/out-bed time from polysomnography

Harmonized by the NSRR team. Source: psg_waso

Harmonized/Polysomnography/Sleep Architecture