
Snoring volume vs Study visit number
Visit 1 Visit 2 Visit 3 Visit 4 Visit 5 Incident Outcomes Tracking
Total 1,123 758 566 121 2 -
Only slightly louder than heavy breathing 198 123 107 19 - -
About as loud as mumbling or talking 309 221 160 33 1 -
Louder than talking 167 106 75 9 - -
Extremely loud, can be heard through a closed door 143 86 49 12 - -
Do not know 226 157 121 38 1 -
Does not apply 80 65 54 10 - -
Snoring volume vs Sex of the participant
Visit 1
Male Female Total
Total 608 515 1,123
Only slightly louder than heavy breathing 94 104 198
About as loud as mumbling or talking 174 135 309
Louder than talking 98 69 167
Extremely loud, can be heard through a closed door 91 52 143
Do not know 114 112 226
Does not apply 37 43 80
Snoring volume vs Sex of the participant
Visit 2
Male Female Total
Total 406 352 758
Only slightly louder than heavy breathing 55 68 123
About as loud as mumbling or talking 120 101 221
Louder than talking 62 44 106
Extremely loud, can be heard through a closed door 46 40 86
Do not know 86 71 157
Does not apply 37 28 65
Snoring volume vs Sex of the participant
Visit 3
Male Female Total
Total 304 262 566
Only slightly louder than heavy breathing 58 49 107
About as loud as mumbling or talking 84 76 160
Louder than talking 49 26 75
Extremely loud, can be heard through a closed door 23 26 49
Do not know 57 64 121
Does not apply 33 21 54
Snoring volume vs Sex of the participant
Visit 4
Male Female Total
Total 67 54 121
Only slightly louder than heavy breathing 11 8 19
About as loud as mumbling or talking 14 19 33
Louder than talking 5 4 9
Extremely loud, can be heard through a closed door 6 6 12
Do not know 25 13 38
Does not apply 6 4 10
Snoring volume vs Sex of the participant
Visit 5
Male Female Total
Total - 2 2
Only slightly louder than heavy breathing - - -
About as loud as mumbling or talking - 1 1
Louder than talking - - -
Extremely loud, can be heard through a closed door - - -
Do not know - 1 1
Does not apply - - -
Snoring volume vs Race of the participant
Visit 1
Asian Black Hispanic Native American White Total
Total 12 23 13 10 1,065 1,123
Only slightly louder than heavy breathing 1 2 2 2 191 198
About as loud as mumbling or talking 4 5 - 4 296 309
Louder than talking 1 2 3 3 158 167
Extremely loud, can be heard through a closed door 2 5 4 1 131 143
Do not know 4 9 2 - 211 226
Does not apply - - 2 - 78 80
Snoring volume vs Race of the participant
Visit 2
Asian Black Hispanic Native American White Total
Total 4 8 6 6 734 758
Only slightly louder than heavy breathing - 2 - 2 119 123
About as loud as mumbling or talking 2 3 2 - 214 221
Louder than talking 1 1 1 2 101 106
Extremely loud, can be heard through a closed door 1 2 1 2 80 86
Do not know - - 2 - 155 157
Does not apply - - - - 65 65
Snoring volume vs Race of the participant
Visit 3
Asian Black Hispanic Native American White Total
Total 4 4 5 4 549 566
Only slightly louder than heavy breathing 1 1 - 1 104 107
About as loud as mumbling or talking 2 - - 2 156 160
Louder than talking 1 - 3 - 71 75
Extremely loud, can be heard through a closed door - 1 - - 48 49
Do not know - 1 2 1 117 121
Does not apply - 1 - - 53 54
Snoring volume vs Race of the participant
Visit 4
Asian Black Hispanic Native American White Total
Total 3 1 2 2 113 121
Only slightly louder than heavy breathing - - 1 - 18 19
About as loud as mumbling or talking 2 - 1 2 28 33
Louder than talking 1 - - - 8 9
Extremely loud, can be heard through a closed door - 1 - - 11 12
Do not know - - - - 38 38
Does not apply - - - - 10 10
Snoring volume vs Race of the participant
Visit 5
Asian Black Hispanic Native American White Total
Total - - - - 2 2
Only slightly louder than heavy breathing - - - - - -
About as loud as mumbling or talking - - - - 1 1
Louder than talking - - - - - -
Extremely loud, can be heard through a closed door - - - - - -
Do not know - - - - 1 1
Does not apply - - - - - -