Quality of Life (SHHS2): Get sick easier than other people

11. Please choose the answer that best describes how true or false each of the following statements is for you. a. I seem to get sick a little easier than other people.

  • 1: Definitely true
  • 2: Mostly true
  • 3: Not sure
  • 4: Mostly false
  • 5: Definitely false
Quality of Life (SHHS2): Get sick easier than other people vs SHHS Visit Number
Visit 1 Visit 2 CVD Outcomes
Total - 4,080 -
Definitely true - 43 -
Mostly true - 118 -
Not sure - 303 -
Mostly false - 899 -
Definitely false - 2,160 -
Unknown - 557 -
Quality of Life (SHHS2): Get sick easier than other people vs Age at SHHS1
Visit 2
35-44 years 45-54 years 55-64 years 65-74 years 75-84 years 85 years or older Total
Total 184 707 1,321 1,200 624 44 4,080
Definitely true 4 12 15 5 7 - 43
Mostly true 11 34 33 24 13 3 118
Not sure 12 46 77 114 49 5 303
Mostly false 43 149 277 263 160 7 899
Definitely false 107 390 697 619 324 23 2,160
Unknown 7 76 222 175 71 6 557
Quality of Life (SHHS2): Get sick easier than other people vs Gender
Visit 2
Male Female Total
Total 1,861 2,219 4,080
Definitely true 18 25 43
Mostly true 42 76 118
Not sure 124 179 303
Mostly false 416 483 899
Definitely false 1,008 1,152 2,160
Unknown 253 304 557
Quality of Life (SHHS2): Get sick easier than other people vs Race
Visit 2
White Black Other Total
Total 3,587 256 237 4,080
Definitely true 31 3 9 43
Mostly true 92 13 13 118
Not sure 238 35 30 303
Mostly false 786 54 59 899
Definitely false 1,924 134 102 2,160
Unknown 516 17 24 557